Chapter 11

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Beth woke up wet and cold to the bone, but she was not unhappy. Her head was in the center of his chest, resting on one arm. He had moved to his side to face Beth, having thrown his other arm over her. He was shivering in his sleep and she suspected that he was just as cold as she was. She did not want to wake him, in fear that he might let go of their embrace, but knew that they needed shelter before they both got sick. Beth snuggled in closer hoping to lightly wake him, then act as if he had woken her, but to her surprise, Daryl just pulled her closer. He was warm, and soft, but most of all safe. Though he was teaching her how to shot and track, she had not plan on leaving him. The tracking was so that she could find him, if he ever got lost. And the bow training was piratically pointless. Unless they find another bow, and what were the odds of that.

The rain had stopped but Beth was sure that it would start again. They need supplies bad, and they needed them soon. If one of them were to get hurt, then they would be screwed with nothing. She lightly shifted in his arms till the point she was sure that he would move. After a couple minutes of cuddling in and out of his arms, Daryl slowly woke up. You would think that he be more alert, but he seemed so damn comfortable. Just as Beth had thought when he saw what he was doing to Beth, he snapped his hand off of her. She acted as if she was a sleep, but they both knew she wasn't.


'Daryl, you are a damn fool' He thought to himself. He knew that she had been awake long enough to know he was holding on to her. And he knew that she was happy about it. If he was not careful, he would not be able to keep himself from doing something they both would regret.


Beth slowly got up off the ground. Her back hurt, and she felt extra crappy because of the cool. She crossed her arms hoping that it would give her some warmth, but it didn’t.

“Morning.” Beth said through shivering teeth.

“More like good after noon.” Daryl said.


“It's like one, in the after noon”

She looked up at the sky which was filled with clouds. “How can you tell?”

“They light of the clouds, the one that don't look as dark, and they ones that look like they are glowing... That is were the sun is”

“Oh,” she said. “Why did we sleep in.”

“Probably because we did not get much sleep when it was raining. So when it stopped we just caught up on what we missed.”

Beth smiled, “You are much smarter then you let people think.”

“Naw,” He said brushing it off. “I am just good at this stuff.”

“Well at lest your good at something.” Beth said.

“Your good at singing.” Daryl said.

Beth looked at the ground. “I thought you didn't like my singing.”

“I said it pissed me off, I never said I didn't like it off.” He stood up and grabbed it off. “And don't hold that against me. I was angry, and I stupid shit when I am angry.”

“Don't we all.” Beth said following him.

“I guess.” He said. “We’re gonna have to find some place to hold up. I am cool as hell and I am sick of sleepin in the dirt.”

“I totally agree.” Beth said.

“I have been avoiding the road.” Daryl said. “But I think we should start walking along them. Because we are not finding anything out here”

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