Chapter Ten

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Beth was happy that they had not talked about the little fight they had last night. She was happy that Daryl seemed like he was in a good mood. She was happy that she had not seen a walker all day, and it was about noon now. She was most happy about the fact that she had not had a bad dream last night.

For the most of the day, Daryl had been teaching her how to track and shot. She was a bad shot, but not to good of a tracker. She thought that was easy but when it came to shooting, she could not get the arrow to go were she wanted.

“I am never going to get it.” Beth said for the third time. “It's impossible.”

“It's not impossible hun, I do it everyday”

“Well arn't you cool” Beth said and raised the bow back up to the tree. Daryl had pined an old peace of paper with a drawling of a frownie face on it. Beth was about to shot again when she felt something on her back.

“Here let me help.” Daryl said and took a step closer to her. His chest was pressed into her back. His strong arms wrapped around hers as if he was holding the bow for her. She tried her best to concentrate on what he was saying, but it was harder then shooting the damn bow.

“Okay look down the sights.” Daryl told her, and she did what she was told. He pressed on her shoulders lightly. “Relax.” he said. “Now bring this elbow up a bit.” He lift her left elbow up. “Keep your breath steady. Let out a big one before pressing the trigger. Don't take your yes off the sight till you know what you hit. If you check before the arrow if fully out, it will mess with the shot.” Then he whispered in her ear. “Shoot when ever you are ready.”

Beth lined up the sights were she wanted to go. She took several deep breaths before pressing the trigger and then waited till see heard the 'thunk' on the tree. She hit the upset face almost perfectly.

“You see.” He said, still very close to her. “No impossible at all.”

She looked up and smiled at him; he smiled back. For a minute that just started at each other. Beth noticed that they did that a lot. Like they both wanted to do something, but never had the guts to do it.

“Well I can take another thing off my list.” She said softly.


“Shooting a bow” She explained

“Oh, list?”

“Yeah I am going to have a list of things I want to do before I die”

“You mean a bucket list?” Daryl asked.


He pulled away from her and went to get the arrows out of the tree. He walked up to her and grabbed the bow. “You should not call it a list of things you want to do before you die”

“Then what should I call it.”

“A list of things you want to do while your alive.”

“That is the same thing.”

“No, it's not.”

Beth paused. “What is so different about it.”

“The word 'die' is not in it”

Beth watched him gather up his things. She wanted him to have to stop worrying about her. But she knew that would never happen.


Daryl felt bad for taking the only opertunity to touch her was to teach how to shoot. He could have shown her without ever being near her. But she did not seam to mind.

As he gathered up his thing, Beth stood there watching him. Daryl notice that Beth did that a lot. Sometimes she seemed happy when she looked at him, others time she looked like she was trying to solve a long math problem in her head, but right now she looked at him with worry.

“Watcha thinkin about?” Daryl asked her.

“Just, stuff?”

“List, stuff?”

“Yeah,” She said. “List stuff.”

“What kind of stuff is going to be on your list.”

“Just stuff I wanna do.”

He looked up at her. She had a small smile on her face. Her hair was falling out of her ponytail in wild blood curls. She was had a determined look about her that made her look older then what she was. But she was older then Daryl saw her. Sometimes he only saw the girl her had meet at them farm. That was why he felt like such a perv for thinking the way he thought. 'Beth is not a little girl anymore' Daryl said to himself. She was not the cute little girl he had met at the farm. She knew more then he could ever think about knowing. She was raised by one of the smartest men he had ever met. Beth was a lot like her father. Then made him love her all the much more.

“What are you think about?” She asked.

“You.” Daryl said, and did not mean for the words to leave his mouth.

“Me?” she said with a laugh. Daryl tried to hid his smile, but he knew that he had failed.

She walked over to him and helped with the things. “Sounds boring”

“Not at all.” He said and pulled his back pack over his shoulders. He gave her a hand to help her up and she took it. For a split second he just held on to her.


Beth and Daryl walked side by side now. Now that she was learning to track, he said that he wanted herbeside him. They day seemed to go way to fast. When it started to get to dark the set a quick came. She did not really know were they were. Everything look to similar to her. They had not see a walker in forever, let alone a road or house.

“Where are we?”

“The woods” He said setting the walker trap.

“I know that smart ass.” she said. “I mean where are we going?”

“I am not sure yet.”

She paused. “So we are just walking through the woods, and you don't know were we are going?”

“No I know were we are going” he said to her. “I just don't know where we are going to go.”


“I mean,” He said and sat down across from her; watching her set the fire. “I don't know where we are going to stop. I want to get some supplies and rest before we go looking for anyone”

“Oh.” Beth said, “That is smart.”

“I have my moments.”

Beth rolled her at him but continued to work on the fire.

“That is going to be useless.” He says and points at the fire.


“It's going to rain?” he said. Beth looked up at the sky to see the sun set, tree top, and not a cloud in the sky. It was not even that windy.

“How do you know.” Beth asked.

“I just do.”

“There is not a cloud in the sky”

“Trust me.”

She stopped messing with the fire pit. “If we are cold tonight and there is not rain I will hurt you.”

“And if it does rain?”

“Then you get barging rights”

“Might as well get some sleep, it's going to be a long night.” He said and got up. He sat down about a foot way from her and laid back. He looked up at the sky for a second then closed his eyes. Beth laid down next to him. Beth let her mind wonder as she fought for sleep. 'Daryl would do anything to keep me safe” was the last thing she thought before drifting of to sleep. She woke up late at night to feel a cold rain drop touch her nose.

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