Chapter Eight

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Beth sat there unable to move. 'Stupid! Stupid! Stupid little girl' she thought to herself. 'How could I be so stupid.' She wanted to cry, and scream, and be a normal person for once in her life. But she knew that this would not do anything for her. Instead she calmed down and starts ratting. She thought of what she was going to say when Daryl got back. What was she gonna do? Was she going to act like nothing happened? She knew that Daryl was not good with his feelings, let alone the ones of some girl. In a weird way she wanted some moon shine. It was easier to tell him what she felt when she was drunk. But the want left her right after she thought that was bad to say. Her dad was an alcoholic for god sakes.

When she heard the rustle of the leaves, she took a deep breath. Beth hoped that when she saw Daryl's face, the words would just come to her.


Daryl walked through the leaves, hoping her would find the answer in the lonesomeness. But the father he was away from Beth, the more he started to think about her. 'Stupid' he thought 'Just a stupid red-neck'. He want to hurt something, or just run of and go hunting. But he knew that he was just running away from his problems; like he always does. Walked until he saw something that made him think.

He saw a Cherokee Rose. Without even wanting to he thought about Sophia. He thought about how hard it was to lose her, how hard he had tried and to have his dreams crushed, how long to really get over it.

Then he realized; he had not got over her till the night with bath back at the moon shine house. He had not gotten over anything, till he had talked to Beth. He had kept it all in. For years. All she had to do was sit there in listen to him, and he spilled his guts to her. Daryl had even let Rick knew...

Only Beth... It was always Beth...

Daryl bent over to pick the flower, he hard a scream.


Beth had turned to see at lest five walkers behind her. She knew that once she tried to kill one, the others would be on top of her. She ran over to the make-shift rope latter and started to climb. She thought she was safe till one grabbed her boot. Beth let out a loud scream and wish she could take it back. If every walked in the square mile did not know where she was, well they did now. It pulled one her with all it could. She was food and it was starving. As it pulled on her and Beth tried to stay on the latter, she felt it start to give. She knew that if she did not start moving, she would be walker lunch.

She started to kick as much as she could with out moving the rope, and failed at both. Beth was too worried that she would rip the rope to really kick, and she was also knew that if she did not kick, it did not matter if the rope broke.

“Please, God help me.” She whispered to herself. As if he was sending her the answered her prayers, an arrow went through the head of the one that had her foot. Daryl came out from around the bushes, already had another arrow docked. He then shot another of the walkers. Beth started to make her way up, feeling more useless then ever. She wished she could go down to help him, but knew that if she went down; they would not get back up. One of the walkers closer to him started to approach him for a bit, but Daryl knocked it away with the cross bow hard enough to kill it for good. Only two more left. One was still fixed on getting Beth, while the other was looking a Daryl now.

“Hey, ass hole, look here” He said to the walker, that was not taking a step toward him. He put an arrow through his eye.

Beth was inches away from the platform of the tree-house-hunting-stand. He fingers just touched the wood when the world fell from her. She let out a squall but was cut short by something knocking the air out of her and the world went black.


Daryl could tell that she was falling before she knew it. She fell about a foot away for the old female trying to bite her. He ran up to it, and grabbed the little bit of clothes it had on it's back to push it out of the way. He knock it on the ground, leaning over it, he pulled and arrow out and jabbed it through its head. Once he was 100% that it was dead and he was safe he turned over to see the Beth had not moved. He hurried over to her and check for any bites. Nothing. By placing a hand over her mouth, he checked to see if she was breathing. Nothing. There was not damage on the outside, but he head not idea what was going on on the inside. She could have broke her back, or cracked her head, or something.

“Come on girl, you can't leave me yet” He said to the body on the ground. “Not yet Beth, I am not ready yet!”

He could feel the tears start to come. “Don't you dare be dead”

He checked her heart beat by placing his head right about her heart. He could hear a strong 'THUMP, THUMP -DUM-THUMP', but he knew that if she did not start breathing soon he could lose her.

“Beth, BREATH... WHY ARE YOU NOT BREATHIN” He said. “I need you girl... I I lov”

He was cut off by the sound of Beth sucking in a harsh breath. She coughed a couple times and Daryl rolled her over on her side. After she was done, they looked at each other for a long time. He tried to remember everything about her before Daryl though his arms around her thin waste and pulled her close.

“Don't do that to me girl.”

She let out a little laugh, “I can't make any promises.”


Beth could hear everything that was going on, she could feel her back hit the ground, she hear the walker about to attack her. She just could not breath! It was like someone had pushed only her lungs under water and let the rest of her body feel the pain of the world around her.

Beth was sure that she was about to be walker bate anytime soon, but Daryl was to her rescue. As always.

She could hear him stay something to her. Sweet words. Was he crying.

'NO, DARYL I AM FINE' She wanted to tell him. 'Why can't I breath? Am I dying? Is this what dying feels like?'

She could feel him touch her, looking for an answer to what was wrong. She was for sure that he was crying now.

“Beth, BREATH... WHY ARE YOU NOT BREATHIN” He said. “I need you girl... I I lov”

Sweet, rich, amazing breathe started to fill Beth and light shined in every direction. Daryl must have pushed Beth on her side as she coughed because when she was done, she had to turn to see him. He looked at her for a brief second, no bothering to hid the tears or anything. He throw his strong arms around her waist, lifting her close to her,

He whispered into her neck, “Don't do that to me, girl”

Beth laughed at the ticking on her neck. “I can't make any promises.”

He paused. “Please... Never leave me.”

“Okay Daryl. Okay.”

They hugged tight before packing up and looking from some where else to stay. They did not look back at the tree-house-hunting-stand. They did not talk about Beth's near death fall. They did not talk about the kiss. They both did not need to. Beth knew she loved Daryl for a long time, but not till now did she had a hope that he loved her back

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