Chapter Nine

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Daryl did not know what he was going to do. No matter how he tried to figure it out in his head, he could never find a good ending. He knew that if he let nothing happen he would just be hurting himself. He knew that if he let something happen that it would be wrong. Beth's father was such a close friend of his, and he did not think he would like him messing around with his youngest daughter. And even if he could get passed all of that. What if something would happen and he fell hard for her... then the next day she would get eaten by a walker. He could not help but getting choked up thinking about it.

Oh, and the was another small problem... She could get pregnant.


Beth walked behind Daryl like always. He had been quite for the rest of the morning. Beth was worried that everything that had happened in the past couple of hours was to much for him. She knew that kissing him was wrong, and that she should have made sure that it was something that he wanted to. But... It felt like he wanted it... wanted her. Then again, she could just be poking a stick at a dead man. There was not way for sure, unless she asked him, and Daryl was not the strongest with his words. She need to find a way to kill the tension.

“Daryl?” She asked, and he must not of heard her. “Daryl!?”

“Hmm?” he said not looking back at her.

She sighed. “Well I was thinking. If we ever got split or something, I would want to be able to find you. Not just sit there and wait for you to find me.”

“Okay?” He said.

“What I am saying is.” She said with a pause. “Could you teach me how to track.”

He stopped and looked at her for a moment. “I think that is a good idea”

“Cool, so when do we start?”



“Yes, Now.” He send and bent down.


Daryl was patient with Beth. It did not take her long to pick up in the basics. She was a smart girl, and she listened to what she was told, for the most part. Daryl though she was probably really good in school. When it started to get to dark for them to see the ground without a flashlight, they started looking for a place to rest. Without much in sight the found a flat area that had enough trees around to set a 'walker trap'. It was not really a trap so to speak. It was mostly a thing of barbed wire, with cans hanging off of it so they could hear movement. Beth had started gathering things to start a fire.

“Don't wonder to fare off.” Daryl said.

“I will be fine.” She said.

He sighed. “Just stay in shouting distance.”

“Yes, Sir” She said with a hit of sarcasm.

Daryl was looked over his should ever once and a while to make sure that she was in eye sight. When she slipped behind a tree and did not come back over the other side Daryl felt uneasy. He finished the trap quickly and followed were she head went. When she was not were Daryl expected her to be he felt worried.

“Beth?” His voice was a bit hushed. He said a little louder. “Beth”

He heard a rustling not fare from him, then a light moan. Panic started to set it. He could hear some one, a girl, struggle. He started to run to were the noise was coming from. It was behind a big bush he saw Beth over a walker, her knife in it's head. She pulled it out and looked up at him with a soft smile.

“I thought I told you not to wonder off?” Daryl said.

She shrugged. “There were not good sticks over there so I came here. He come form behind me.”

“Well you should have called me over.”

“It was one walker Daryl” She said. “I can't expect you to come running to save my life every single time I stub my toe.”

“Just listen next time.” Daryl said. He had not mean to snap, but he was stick of having to drag this conversation.

Beth looked at him for a moment. “Listen?”

“Yes.” He said with a shrug.

“Daryl, it was one walker.” She said. “Your acting as if I walked into New York City.”

“It only takes one bit Beth”

“You don't think I know that.”

Daryl sighed. “Then why did you not listen to me”


Daryl was about to say something but didn't. How can one person make him so mad. If she would just listen things would be easier. When he looked at her again, he could tell the she was upset. More upset then he was. He let out a sigh then nodded for her to follow him back to the camp. She bent down and got a collected pile of sticks, then started following him. On the way back, Daryl looked for more sicks. She was right. There was no good ones near camp.


Beth felt horrible for pulling the Daddy card on Daryl, but it was the truth. He was not her father and he could not just expect her to listen to him. She might have kissed him, but she was not, nor ever will be, his bitch. She sat a camp looking at the small fire they had started. Every once in a while she could would see Daryl stealing a look or two. But he mostly just sat there looking at the fire.

“You know he never had that much trouble with me” Beth started. “Maggie was always the one that wanted to do something she was not allowed to do.”

He looked up at her.

“I really always did what I was told. And after I lost my mamma it felt like I had to listen to my father to survive. But then a group came to the farm. Your group. I was over joyed to be honest. It had been for ever since I had seen anyone beside my family. I know it's stupid to say that, seeing is that I am low on family. But that was when I did not know what the world was like... Anyway, I just wanted you to know that it was not till then that I started to rethink everything my dad said.”

“Because Rick never listen to your father?” He asked.

“No.” She said. “Because you never listen to anyone.” He looked up at her, and she gave him a small smile. “So if you are mad that I don't listen to well, you are the only one to blame”

He shock his head back and forth, but Beth could still see the adorable smile on his face.

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