Chapter 12 (Part 1 of 'Are you Sure')

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Beth moved the coffee table that was in the middle of the living room and pushed back the love seat. One of them could have slept on the love seat and the other on the floor, but she was happy Daryl had gotten the mattresses. Now neither of them would have to sleep on the cold, wet, hard ground tonight.

Daryl was upstairs searching for anything that could serve as a blanket or pillow, at this point those luxury items were scared so anything would do. Beth wandered the house hoping to find candles or something they could use for a light. She started in the the bath room, searching each drawer and cupboard thoroughly before proceeding to the next room. When she found nothing of use she closed her eyes and took a deep calming breath. Thinking back to life at the farm and the odd places her mama stashed candles in case of an emergency. An idea popped into her head and she ran to the dining room. Just as she thought, looming against the wall was a large China cabinet. She approached quietly and peaked inside, the glass door was punched out and someone looted all the valuables. Hidden in the shadow of the cabinet were three tall candles that showed very little signs of use.

She reached her hand in to grab a hold of one of the candles. A sharp pain shot across her palm, she tried to bite back a scream of pain but it came out as a hiss. The shadow of the cabinet in the dimming light hid the last remaining shard of glass. She should've checked first then reached in but she was too excited, now she was paying the price. Beth looked down at her palm to see that it was sliced from pinky to thumb. Slowly she reached in and gathered all of the candles.

As she was walking back she ran right into Daryl chest, she jumped back and let out a scream. She looked up at him and he gave her a look.

“You scared the crap out of me.”

“Why did you wonder off?” He said and looked down at the candle sticks.

Beth handed them to him and he looked shocked. “Were did you find this?”

“In the dining room.” Beth answered, walking back to the living room.

“Beth?” He asked. “Why is there blood all over them?”

When she got back to the living room she saw that he had found a couple blanks and pillows. He had laid them out neatly on the beds. “Oh, I got a cut on a piece of glass or something.”

“Let me see.” He said sitting the candles down and walked up to her.

“It's nothing.” She said and gave him her hand. He pointed the flashlight at her cut. He gasped and Beth looked down to see the damage. She was shock to see that her hand was covered in blood and dripping.

“Hold this.” He said handing her the flashlight. He cradled Beth's hand, bringing it closer to examine the damage. Daryl let out a noise that was half sigh, half grunt.


“I think you have a piece of glass in your hand.”

“Well, can you get it out.” Beth inquired.

“It will hurt...”

She rolled her eyes and said. “I am big girl Daryl. I think I can handle a little cut.”

“with a cut this long and this deep, you're probably gonna need stitches.”

Beth's body ran cold. “You mean with a needle?”

He looked up at her and must have saw the fear on her face. “I thought you were a big girl?”


Daryl had Beth sit down on the love seat as he got everything he would need to patch her up. Water bottle, a sheet he hand ripped into a bunch of parts for rags, and a first aid kit the he had found in the upstairs bathroom. He had not told her that he found everything he would need to sew her up, because he wanted to be sure if he had to or not. He lit one of the candles and carried it to the kitchen table. Beth followed closely behind. She sat down on one of the chairs and Daryl pulled up close to her sitting the candle down. He had her hold the flashlight on her hand and with the light from the candle, he was able to see everything.

Alone TogetherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora