Chapter 18

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I am back bitches. I need to finish this fic or I can never forgive myself. It's short , but I hope you all enjoy .

And guess what.

I love you all!

Daryl was unable to the whole night. The underlying feeling of horrid worried was so unbearable. He wanted to break things, but he dear not move, not wanting to bother the track the was a foot away from his sitting spot. He would even try to close his eyes, but the only thing he would see would be countless images of Beth's face. Her golden hair, her large smile, her amazing voice. All Daryl wanted was to hear her sing again.

Daryl's eye popped open when he heard the crackling of sticks. About 30 feet in front of him a walker leaded from the darkness of the woods and started to walk toward him. I moved slowly, but he did not make a move to attack. He sighed. The overwhelming feeling of self-dread over came his body and he finally asked himself the question he was avoiding all night.

"Can I stay in a world where Beth Greene no longer belongs?"

He asked himself this maybe a hundred times. The walker was only ten feet away now... one bite and it would all just slip a way.


Beth walked out of the post office and looked around as if she knew where to go. She did not know where to go, nor where she was. Troy was right behind her as she looked around. He smiled and pointed down the road. Beth rolled her eyes and started to run down the road. They did this for what felt like hours. Beth was shocked to see how much she could run. They had to stop when they saw a small group of walkers at the end of a four way. Troy walked up and started to take them down on by one; Beth took this moment to gather herself. He moved quickly and killed all of the dead with ease.

He whipped his blade on his pant leg and looked over at Beth, "If we are going back to my place, we might want to take a different way."

"Why?" Beth asked put her hands on her hips.

"Because of the large horde that was surrounding my house. They are probably heading the same way we ran. So that means we will run into them again."

"How long will it take to go around?"

"A few more hours..." He said and started to pull out a water bottle. He took a large drink and offered some to Beth. "We might even have to stop for the night."

Beth took a large drink as well, "No... we can't waste another day."

"Do you have any other idea?"

Beth thought quickly...

"Actually, yes I do." She said with a smile and started running down the road again.


Daryl looked at the walker snapped at his face. He had to make his choice now. As the first moment of day light started to stream through the trees he shoved a knife in the center of the walkers head. He through it off of him and jumped up. After stretching out his stiff joints and muscles.
Daryl did not know if he could live without Beth, but he was going to try damn hard to make sure he would never have to find out.
He, once again, started to follow the man's tracks.


"Are you sure this is going to work?" Troy asked for the 100th time.

Beth sighed, "If it we make it big enough, than yes."

Troy started to gather more and more large sticks. He through them into an old port-a-potty that was on the edge of the road. They had travel in the other direction for about three miles. Beth had found a along the way and was able to gather about half a gallon of gas. Her throat was on fire, but at lest she knew that the job would be done. She worked fast, knowing that she was going to miss her window. If she lit it too late, the horde would not see the flames and she would have to spend another day away from Daryl.

"I think that is good." Tory said.

Beth looked, "No. It needs to be bigger!"

"Do you want every walked in the state to know where we are?"

"We are not going to be here when the fire is at it's highest." Beth explained, "Once this thing is lit, we run."

"Yes you majesty. What would I do without your wisdom?"

Beth looked at Troy and back at her pile of , "Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Talk like we are friends."

Troy's eyebrows fell, "What do you mean by that?"

"You don't know me. I don't know you." Beth said, "Don't talk like everything is normal and that we just happen to meet?"

"How do you want me to talk to you?"

"Like the world is coming to an end..."

Troy got up and pulled a lighter out of his bag. He looked over at Beth. "You see you are wrong. The world is not coming to an end. Humanity is... and it's not because the walking dead. It's because people can't take a joke...

He flick the lighter at the make shift distraction and started run down the road. Beth thought about his words as she trailed behind him.



Puddles Out~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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