Chapter 2: Why Do I Always Get Kidnapped?!

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Written: 9/3/15

-~~~~3 Months Since The Attack~~~~

"There will be more updates later! Please stay tuned!" I say to the camera. "And cut!" The camera man calls. As soon as those words enter my ears, I am already out the door. There would be no more boring news stories today.

  Ever day the stories were the same. A robbery, a murder, a rouge rebel. As much as I loved my job I wanted a new one. I wanted a new perspective of the world. One that didn't conclude the pressure to agree with the studio whether it was right or wrong.

  As I start to walk to my apartment from the news studio, I think about Mr. Arrowman (Aka the guy who saved my life) I just can't get him out of my head. Even though it's been three months since I saw him, I'm always wishing he would pop up. I wish that I could see him so I could show him my immense gratitude. If only I knew where he was.

  When I entered my apartment, I quickly change into a spring outfit. (one of the outfits featured above) As I walk out the door, I grab my purse and hop in my mustang. As I start to drive to the bank I blare out Twenty One Pilot's House of Gold

She asked me son when I grow old will you buy me a house of gold?

And when your father turns to stone, will you take care of me?

I will make you queen of everything you see.

I'll put you on the map, I'll cure you of disease.

     As I listen to the words I think about how meaningful those words are. I'm 25 and I don't have a boyfriend. I just want to settle down and live in a "house of gold".  I want to find the man who will take care of me. I want to find the man that I can settle down with. A man I can trust. Not like others I've dated.....

I sigh and stop the car as I arrive at the bank. I was here to get a transcription finished with my bank. As I walk inside I sigh knowing that it will be a long day.

       As I walk out of the meeting room, I rub my temples. It was a long meeting just for one transaction, but I'm glad it's over. I start to walk towards the door a notice a man with brown hair that looks  familiar. I walk closer to him and involuntarily gasped. He was the man that saved my life in the battle of New York!

I start to walk over to him I realize that he is in an intense conversation with a red headed woman. I stop and decide to wait until their conversation is over. Suddenly the doors of the bank are flung open and three men with AR-15's walk into the room.

  "EVERYONE ON THE GROUND!" They yell. Another man comes out from behind the counter and holds a gun to the side of the manger's head.
  "Get going!" He growls as he pushes the manger to the back room.

  I look around at the people in the bank. Their faces read that they are terrified and don't know what to do. I mentally groan. 'I can't take them down with civilians here! They might get hurt.' I take a glimpse at the robbers and see the man that rescued me and the red head stand up as the manager comes back with the other robber.
  "GET DOWN OR WE'LL BLOW YOUR TOP OFF!" The two men yell at them.

"No, I don't think we will." Says the red head with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
  "Let's go!!" The man holding the manager grunts to his accomplices.  He has a bag of money in a bag as they start to back out of the bank. They walk past me me and at that moment I decided to do one of the most stupidest things every. I trip them. (Me: *sighs* oh Cayden, you don't know what you just did. -_-) As they stumble over me, the red head and the brown haired man pulls out weapons. The red head with two menacing pistols and the man with a bow and arrows. The robbers quickly get up and grab me. They point their guns at the duo and at my head. As I feel the cold metal against my head I shudder.

'Shit Cayden. Why did I even THINK of tripping he much less alone DOING it?? I can take them down but not with a gun to my head.' I mentally yell at myself.

  "Let. Her. Go." The man with the bow says in a commanding tone.
  One of the robbers sneer at him and reply, "I don't think so. Tim, take her with us and let's get out of here." As Tim grabs my hand I quickly look back at the pair. They have hardened faces and I can tell they are worried about the robbers having leverage over them.
I look into the man's eyes and a look of recognition flashes across his face. He starts to stare back at me I'm yanked out the door.

As we leave the building one of the robbers throws a grenade at the door way. I give a slight shudder at the thought of all the people in the building. As Tim drags me to their black van, I start to put up a fight kicking, punching and screaming until they gag me and bind me. I'm thrown in the back and the car takes off.

  'Damnnit!' I think. 'This is going to be interesting. It's like I forgot all of my training!' A few seconds later I hear a boom and the car shakes. The grenade had gone off. As I think of the people in the building I realize there where kids and babies in there. A burning rage bubbles up in me as I kick the captor nearest to me. He grunts with pain as I head butt him. The other man quickly takes out a gun but I am faster than him. I knew the best thing to do was kick him. I chose a tender spot and kicked him where the sun don't shine.

He groans in pain as my foot connects. I hear in the distance the shriek of sirens. The driver curses and makes a hard right. I'm pushed against one of my captors and he holds a gun to my head. "Stay where you are beautiful or the last thing you'll see is me." He says menacingly. I flip him off as best as I can with my hands tied. He chuckles. Abruptly, I hear pings and I can see dents in the car's side.

"Damn!" The driver calls out. "Get to the front, Ashton and make good work of your machine gun!" As he makes his way to the front. We take a turn that makes me bang my head against the glass of the window.

'Crap that hurt!' I think to myself. In the next moment, the window explodes, glass flying everywhere. I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. I bite my lip trying not to cry out. I look to see what is embedded in my shoulder, I turn to see an arrow. I gasp thinking of the man who saved me. He used a bow and arrow.

My captor pulls the arrow roughly out of my shoulder and I cry out. He smirks and then throws it out the window. I hear the sound of machine gun fire and I see Ashton making work of that machine gun. As bullets fill the air, an explosive arrow suddenly embedded itself into the tire! Next thing hear is a deafening explosion. We careen into our forest and hit a tree. 'Oof! Damn that hurt.'

"Quick! Untie her and let's get out of here!" Called the leader. As they untied me, I was forced to follow them deeper into the forest as the sounds of gunfire pursue us.

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