Chapter 13: KO!

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                 Written: 11/7/15

I twiddled my thumbs while I waited in the gym. The tension was high in the gym. If clogged up the normally sharp senses, triggering the us to act rawly from emotions, not from civil thinking. I glanced over at Clint while he punched the life out of a punching bag. Each blow reverberated through the room, causing an uneasy Natasha to flinch. He blatantly ignored Natasha, a hard look plastered to her face. She was pacing back and forth across the room, muttering colorful Russian language under her breath. Tony was merely a bystander, caught up in the gadgets of his phone, his nose buried deep.

  I look away and think about Steve and Cayden.  Cayden was due to arrive with Steve soon. Steve.......... My fists involuntarily clenched in jealous as I imagined him and Cayden together.

  'Hulk don't like that. Hulk's Cayden. Not Steve's Cayden.'

  I'm startled by the sudden voice in my head, loud and booming. It was...the Other Guy. Woah, did he just speak to me again? I recall the time in Cayden's room, were I thought I heard a voice. This confirmed my thoughts. The Other Guy can talk to me.

  'Can you hear me?' I ask him, growing steadily excited. If we are able to communicate, it could prevent me from...Hulking out. The silence in my head mocks me, as if I ever thought he would respond. I sigh and do a quick sweep of the room, just in time to see Cayden enter with Steve on her heels, his face a bit red with a blush. I roll my eyes as I walk over to Cayden, observing her. She had changed into shorts and an old hoodie, but she had managed to make it look like Calvin Klein. Her body was a perfect hourglass, a curvlicious beautiful. Her toned legs where long and luscious, riddled with scars, but I didn't notice them. They were minor imperfections that didn't hinder her beauty at all.

  'Woah, Bruce, what's up with you?' I scold myself blushing and looking away. 'I think I'm spending too much time with Tony.'

  Tony looked up from his phone noticing Cayden. He licked his lips lustfully and strolled over to her, intent on "winning her heart." I call it annoying-the-heck-out-of-girls-by-chasing-them-away. Sure enough, Tony flashes signature playboy smile.

  "Hey, sexy." He winked as she rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed with his antics. "Ready for training? We could always head to my bed for-"

  "Yeah, no, Iron Ass." Cayden cuts into Tony's speech, pushing a finger into his chest with each word. "I'm not one of those girls who will fall for you. Anyway, don't you have Pepper?" She raises her eyebrows in triumph while Tony mutters something under his breath as he stomps away, looking defeated. I silently laugh to myself as I step towards her, ready to speak. Unfortunately, nerves got the better of me, making me slip up.

  "Yeah, that's, uh, Tony for you." I blush, mentally beating myself up. "You're probably wondering why you're here."

"I know why I'm here." She replies, observing the gym, a look of awe across her face.

"Oh really?"

She quietly laughs, a wonderful sound like the ocean, peaceful and calm. "Yes, really. You want to see my skill set to determine whether or not I am dangerous. Correct?"

  I open my mouth to reply, but Clint beats me too it.

  "Kind of." He tells her, walking up to Cayden, his bow in his hand. "Yes, we're here to test your skill set and see if you're a threat, but there's another reason. Nick wants for us to train you."

Cayden's eyebrows shoot sky high as she quickly contemplates what he had just said. I smile, thinking of her confusion.

'Now this is a good time to help her.' I think to myself, opening my mouth.

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