Chapter 15: Girl Problems

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Written: 11/27/15

Oh holy Moses. What the heck happened?

I groan painfully and slowly raise myself up on my elbows. My eyes are disoriented as I scan the room for a clue of what happened. As the objects in the room become clear, I see a foam mat, gray punching bags and other gym equipment. It triggered the memory of the spar I had with Cayden.

  Cayden. I had only known her for less than 1 hour and I was already falling hard. Maybe it was her smart remarks or her unique personality. I honestly don't know, but something draws me to her. I know she hasn't had the greatest reputation, but everyone makes mistakes. I don't really care what she did. Everyone is given a second chance and I'm willing to give her a second chance.

I sigh contentedly as I stand up, holding my head in my hands. A pounding headache throbs in my head as I start to stretch my aching muscles.

Holy Hades. She packs a mean punch.

  The door to the gym flies off its hinges, revealing an angry Natasha. I gulp. What did I do this time?!

  "Clint!" She rages, stomping over to me, the room shaking like in an earthquake. "Why did you let her knock you out? You could have beat her!" She fumes at me, shaking an accusing finger in my face.

  "Nat! Listen!" I hold up my hands in surrender. An attempt to calm her down in her fury. An angry Russian assassin named Natasha is someone you do not want to encounter in any way. "I didn't let her. She beat me fair and square! She's that good!" I admire. Nat's face steadily grows brighter and she begins to shake. "I mean, uh, got to go. I hear Steve calling me." I rush out the door like the room is on fire and slam it loudly behind me.


  "Aghhhhhhh! Cayden! Clint! Эта девушка чертовски прекрасно! Ну, не ее представитель..." (That girl is so fucking perfect! Well, not her rep...)

  Looks like Natasha is going to work in the gym. I slowly plod down the hallways, glaring at the agents lining the halls. My feet automatically turn towards my room as the staring agents follow me with their eyes. I growl and quickly rush down the hall, lost in my thoughts. I have a predicament. (A/N-No shit Sherlock!) Cayden. She's just so.........herself. She's just so perfect! Natasha. I've know her for a long time and I might have liked her, but now, since Cayden came everything has changed. Now I think of Natasha as a good friend. She, on the other hand, thinks I still like her. I do, but as a friend.

Girl problems. Fuck. And I thought my life was already hard.

I rub my face in frustration as I slow my pace, my feet taking me past Bruce's lab. I come upon the sound of arguing and punches emitting from his lab.

What did Tony and Steve get into this time?

I stomp into the lab, angry at the two men. I needed to vent my frustrations and this opened a great opportunity. I slam open the door, observing the disarray. Cayden is trying to break up Tony and Steve who are deep in a fight while Bruce watches helplessly, trying to avoid the fight.

  "What the hell is going on?" I roar, finally letting all my anger go. Tony and Steve quickly separate and Cayden slightly giggles slightly as Tony elbows Steve and it begins again.

  Can they stop acting like little kids for once?

  I open my mouth to yell out some more frustrations, but Cayden cuts in.

  "You see, Clint. Uh, here's the story...."

"Just cut the crap!" I shout in my anger. Cayden's face is fearful, but quickly snaps back to defiant. I bite my lip. I didn't mean to scare her. I quickly exit the room, storming down the hall in shame and anger. My head is downcast as I mentally facepalm. I shouldn't have taken out my anger. It had frightened Cayden.

  Great job, Clint. That's how you get the girl. Scare her with your anger.

  I hear rapid footsteps behind me, but ignore them, furiously stomping down the hall towards my room. The footsteps draw closer and then overtake me. They stop in front of me and I look up to see the worried face of Cayden.

  "Cayden?" I ask in confusion as she fiddles with the hem of her shirt. "What do you want? What's wrong?"

  "I should be asking you that question. What's wrong, Clint?" She says concernedly as her green orbs connect with my gray-blue orbs.

  "Nothing's wrong." I say, a bit like a bitch, and push my way past her. I continue my distressed path down the hall. She quickly chases me down, standing in front of me once again.

  "Clint, seriously. What's wrong?" She prods me.

  I sigh, "I didn't mean to scare you back there. I don't want to hurt you."

  She stares at me in surprise and reveals, "You didn't scare me! It's just a bad habit I have from my younger days." She laughs, her laugh a beautiful sound. Like the soft tinkling of wind chimes and the calming sound of a violin. My insides turn to jelly at the lovely sign as I incoherently reply.

  "What did you say? I couldn't hear you?" Cayden questions as I mentally facepalm. I slowly start to walk towards my room as I reply,

  "That's great. I didn't want you to hate me......."

  "Clint! I'd never hate you! Where'd you get that idea?"


  "Never mind. It doesn't really matter. As long as you know I'll never hate you without a good reason."

  I sigh in relief as we continue down the corridor in silence, the other agents passing us in the halls boring holes in our backs. We come upon my room as I turn to say to Cayden,

  "Well, thanks for checking on me. I probably wouldn't have told you if you hadn't come to me." I chuckle nervously while she flashes me her brilliant smile.

  "I'm glad I could relieve some stress. Are you going to get some sleep?" She questions, waving an arm in my room's direction.

  "No, but I have some, uh, other business to take care of. If you're ever feeling lonely, don't be afraid to knock." I tell her eagerly, hoping she'll knock soon.

  "Thanks, Clint. I'll probably take you up on that offer someday." She says, turning away. "Have fun doing whatever you do." As she walks off down the long corridor I whisper,

  "I can't wait."
Hello everyone!

I'm on a roll! 2 updates in 2 days! Am I even the same person? Ha! I've been sick. Fever, coughing the works, so I've had time to update. It's also sucks cause I'm driving back home tomorrow at 4:00 AM. Yay me! 🙄 Thanksgiving was fun, but also horrible. NEVER EVER EVER get sick thanksgiving week!

Yeah, this is definitely a filler chapter. I'm kinda grasping for ideas. See, I planed everything out, but I still got a writers blank. I'll try and update soon, though!

Stay weird and assemble my fellow avengers!


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