Chapter 3: The Girl Who Did The Impossible

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                  ♚Mr. Arrowman
                Written: 9/4/15

     "No, I don't think we will." Natasha sassily replies to the robbers. As she starts to reach for her guns, I hold her hand telling her not to go guns-a-blazing on them. As we watch them leave, I see a girl with black hair and green eyes trip the robbers. When they get back up, they grab her and hold a gun to her head. I make eye contact with her and I realize that she was the girl I had saved 3 months ago from the Chitauri. I'd saved a lot of people that day but she stood out to me. I don't know why. Maybe her immense beauty or that I caught her in my arms. What ever the case may be, I surely remembered her.

  "Let. Her. Go." I say menacingly. They smirk and drag her out of the bank, I load my bow and quiver ready to attack them.

  "We have to get everyone out!" Natasha says to me with a worried look on her face. "NOW!" I glance at her and I ask "a bomb?" She nods. I suddenly take charge of the room ordering everyone out through the back door. As soon as the last person exits the bank, the building explodes pushing me away from the wreckage that is left.

I fall on shoulder and curse as pain creeps down arm.

"Back-up! We need back-up!" Calls Natasha into the com line. "There is a hostage situation. A young woman about 25." She pauses to hear the response. Since I'm connected to the com line I can hear what's going on.

"Find them!" The Director shouts into the com line. "We can't let HYDRA get away!" "HYDRA?" I ask as we run to a black SUV.

I hear him grumbling, "Yeah, HYDRA. I'll inform you AFTER you stop them."

  I sigh, "Yes, Sir."

  We pile in and hit the gas. Screeching down the road, we catch up to the robbers. I take out my guns and shoot the side of the truck. The don't do a thing except put deep dents in the car. I take out my bow and load it with a trick arrow. One that has a tracking device. As I let it fly, the car swerves and the arrow hits the window. It breaks through and lodges itself into the hostage's shoulder. I watch as she cries out in pain.

'Damn.' I tell myself. 'It wasn't supposed to hit her!' Now the tracking device is embedded IN her. It's one thing to attach a tracking device on an object, and another thing to attach a tracking device on a person.

A machine guns peeks it's head out of their window and starts to shoot at us. We hear a serving behind us and two more SHIELD cars join in the chase. Bullets are flying through the air and I try to make good use of my bow by shooting arrows at the car with deadly accuracy. I quickly notch an explosion arrow and aim for their tires. When the arrow finds it target, it automatically explodes causing the car to run into the woods. The SHEILD cars quickly pull over and agents jump out ready to capture the HYDRA agents. Natasha and I hop out of the car and see Captain America standing next to a car.

I'm surprised to see him assigned to this mission. I didn't think Fury would bother him with this nonexistent mission. I shrug as I quickly take chase issuing an order. "All of the agents stay here! We will take care of HYDRA." I motion to Tasha and Captain America as we hurry into the forest.

"Why are you assigned to this mission?" I ask Captain America bluntly.

"She's losing a lot of blood." Cap tells ignoring my question. I sigh and continue in silence while we follow a constant stream of blood. "I hope they didn't kill her."

'Damn it. It was the arrow in her shoulder that made this trail of blood.' I tell myself.

"That's kinda my fault." I mutter. Captain America evidently heard me and turned to me.

"What do you mean it's your fault?! What did you do?" He questions me.

'God, Mr. Perfect doesn't have to get upset!' I grumble. I look him in the eyes while we keep walking. "I accidentally shot her with one of my arrows. I was aiming for the man next to her but it didn't find its mark. It hit her shoulder and.........implanted a tracking device" I whispered the last words hoping no one heard.

Natasha whirls around to face me. "A tracking device?! How did that happen?!" She shouts.

I shush her and say, "It was one of my trick arrows; It's designed so when it hits a target it automatically implants a tracking device. It's microscopic and I don't think I'll be able to remove it."

Cap stops and stares at me with a pained expression. "It will always be in her?"

"Unless we get to her before it implants itself to deep." Cap shakes his head in frustration and walks away.

'Damn, Clint!' I tell myself. 'Now I'll be able to tell where she is......for life. Ughhh I don't want to be an Edward Cullen.' I groan as the thought flies though my brain. Suddenly a single bullet whizzes past my head. I duck as I hear the sound of machine gun fire. Natasha, Captain America and I take cover behind trees.  Cap nods at me and I step into the fray shooting an explosive arrow. It detonates and all we hear is a high pitched squeal. Groans and shouts erupt from where I shot the arrow. I grin mischievous and run towards the sounds of pain. Captain and Natasha follow, both drawing their weapons.
    I grunt as my attacker punches my gut. Everyone has been taken down except the leader and the man guarding the hostage. While Cap and I handle the boss, Nat handles the guard.

I duck as Captain throws his shield at the man. He ducks and back flips narrowing avoided the flying saucer of red, white and blue. I advance with my bow shooting arrows toward him. He has incredible strength and agility, easily dodging my arrows.

Cap runs towards the man as piercing scream runs through the air. I turn around to see blood pouring out of Natasha's leg. My blood boils at the ghastly sight, and I start to run towards them. I'm over taken by Cap as he runs back toward Nat.

"Follow the leader and don't let him get away!" (See what I did there?) He shouts to me. I approach the boss and he knocks my bow out of my hands. The next thing I know I'm in a deadly struggle for my life.

     Punch. Slap. Knee. Duck. Roundhouse. This fight has been one of best. My enemy is evidently trained by an excellent teacher. I wonder who it is? I go in for the kill as he pulls out a dagger. He pushes it toward my throat as I grip his hand keeping him from inserting the deadly blade.

Suddenly  I hear the familiar swish of an arrow leaving a bow. Everything seems to go in slow motion. I have time to process an arrow entering the abdomen of my attacked before he slumps on the ground cutting me with his knife. I turn around shocked to see the hostage with my bow. She collapses and I run towards her a million thoughts are racing through my mind.

'Who is she? How did she control my bow? Did she even know how to shoot a bow? No one can control my bow. It's impossible!! What does this mean?' I reach her I see that she has lost a lot of blood. I'm breathing heavily as I call in EMT's. Her face is pale and I see scars on her arms and face. Who is she?

Hi pplz!

Author here! So right now it's rly crappy. XD but I'll fix that b4 I update again. Plz tell ur followers about this story!! Thxs!


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