Author's Note

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Hello my readers!!! This is just to warn you that the next chapter will have some abuse and violence in it, so if you are squeamish I'd advise to not read it. It will also contain a part of Cayden's past, so be sure to read it!

The chapter will be told in different P.o.V.'s starting with Cayden. It will bounce around the P.o.V.'s, but always play out the same scene, but with each avenger's take on it. It will be a long chapter, so it probably won't be out until Wednesday, the 23rd I think. Or maybe the 24th. I don't know. It all depends on school.

So what do you think is far? Any advice for me? Do you like the picture?

Remember to follow, vote and comment!! Thxs for reading!! It means A LOT!

Stay weird!! 😜


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