Chapter 4: Seriously?! SHIELD?!

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Written: 9/10/15

"Hurry up!" My captor barked at me. I stumbled along trying to stop my shoulder's bleeding. The blood kept pouring out, a river of red. I nearly cried out in pain as he roughly grabbed my arm.

'After this is over,' I grumble, 'I'm gonna give them a taste of their own medicine!' I wince as pain explodes in my shoulder traveling down my arm.

Finally we stop and separate. We go one way, and the other men go the other way. I tense as he takes out his gun and holds it to my head.

'It would probably be better for him to shoot me' I think 'I'm in so much pain I can hardly focus!' It was true. The edges of my vision were tinted red and I feel like I could pass out at any time. A wave of nausea passes over me, and I fight to keep myself from blacking out.

  A single crack of a gunshot rings through the woods. I knew the fight began. I could hear the rapid fire of guns and of......what.....a bow and arrow?

  My captor holds me tighter pulling me closer as the sounds approach. Suddenly, the redhead appears  with her two guns a blazing.

She advances carefully on my captor as he yells at her "STOP OR SHE DIES!" Of course, she doesn't listen and walks forward poised and ready to pounce. 'Oh damn. Here we go' I think bracing myself for death. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! I stiffen expecting a sharp pain my head. I look up see quite a few bullets in her leg. She curses in Russian and holds her leg. It starts to bleed making a pool of dark blood on the ground. My captor advances at a leisurely pace towards the redhead with an evil smirk on his face. She looks pissed as hell as he approaches.

  I start to limp towards him ready to kick his ass, as blur of colors pass him and he's thrown backward. I turn to see the cause of the tackle, and I see a man in a patriotic uniform holding a shield. Once I realize it's Captain America (Aka Steve Rodgers), I start to panic.

  'SHIT! SHIELD had to rescue me?! Why not another agency? Why SHEILD?!' I worry to myself. I try to keep my poker face on, but I can tell it's not working. He stares worriedly at me while he approaches me. BLAM! BLAM! I duck as two bullets whiz past me. Mr. America turns around and runs towards the man using his shield to keep from being pegged.

I hear grunts and cried of pain as I see a fight going on about 100 yards away. I squint and realize it is the man who saved my life! He is fighting the leader....and losing. The leader pulls out a knife that glints in the sunlight for a second before he stabs downward. I run toward them ignoring the pain in my shoulder. I grit my teeth and run, hell bent on making the leader pay.

I stumble across a bow that had fallen in their tussle. I quickly sweep it off the ground notching an arrow I found in the ground. I can hear shouts and footsteps behind me growing closer. I quickly pull back on the string priming the bow. A searing pain rips though my shoulder and I mentally cuss myself as I almost drop the bow.

It takes all of my strength not to pass out as I gasp for air. I see him drive the knife downwards and something snaps. I'm not my usual self. I am the person that had to endure hell, depression and pain for all her childhood.

I let the arrow loose and it finds its mark in the abdomen of the leader. I'm hit with the sudden pain of my arm as I cry out and slump to the ground. It's burning, and slowing crawling it's way down to my fingers and the rest of my body. The last thing I remember seeing is my savior looking into my sea green eyes with a worried expression. Then I succumb to the pain of my arm as I drift off to lala land.

    Bleep. Bleep. That's what I hear as I try to open my eyes. I can't. If feels like someone is holding them shut. All I can do is use my hearing abilities and my physical touch to determine what's going on. I hear murmurings and try to listen in best as I can.


Won't........saved.........New York



That's all I hear before I drift back into an untouchable, unseeable and deafening world of blackness.

I groan and slowly open my eyes to a blinding white light. While I wait for my eyes to adjust, I feel around myself coming to the conclusion that I am in the hospital. Everything has a hazy tint to it and I feel like I have a hangover. Abruptly, I am hit with the memories of what happened. A look up and see a bright light shining above me.

  'Shit!' I think. 'I'm in a hospital!! Who recused me? Oh god I'm in trouble. It was SHIELD. I'm screwed!' I sat up and peered around. I see a change of clothes on the table and I quickly change into them looking around cautiously.

I check around the hospital room looking for a weapon of some sorts. All I come up with is a silver surgical knife. I'm hit with sudden throbbing coming from my shoulder and I groan. It really hurts and it will be a handicap when I escape. I tuck the knife in my jeans while I peek out of my door and see no one in the hallway. I stealthily creep out and tiptoe down the hallway.

"Stop right there!" I whirl around to find a brown haired Agent staring at me. I curse under my breath and walk towards her.

When I am close enough, I knee her abdomen. She crumples over in pain and I bring my elbow down on her neck. She falls to the ground unconscious. I sigh and find her gun on her side.

"I'm sorry I had to do that but I can't have anyone following me." I whisper as I bite my lip feeling guilty.

  "THE PATIENT IS ESCAPING!  CODE BLUE!" A earsplitting alarm goes off and I hear the trample of feet. I quickly make a dash for the exit.

"Crap!" I mutter under my breath as I run outside. The man that saved me all those months ago was waiting for me.

"I don't think your going anywhere, love." He says as he smirks at me.

I mentally facepalm and reply, "Well, I think I am."

I make a dash for a black car and I hear the whistle of air near me. I quickly duck and roll an arrow narrowly missing me. I hide behind one of the cars and take the stolen gun out of my pocket. I grit my teeth ignoring the pain in my shoulder. I quickly stand and fire three shots near his feet. He yelps and dodges them.

  "So that's how it's going to be, beautiful!" He jokes. 'God! He's almost as bad as Johnny Storm, and he is bad!' I think chuckling at the thought. I jump into an open car window. An arrow sails past me as I duck, hitting my head on the steering wheel.

'OUCH! OUCH! OUCH!'  I mentally scold myself. I quickly hot wire the car ignoring the shouts of the man and the throbbing pain in my arm. As the engine roars to life, I gun it racing back to my apartment. It's time to leave.

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