Chapter 12: It's time to confess

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Author's POV

Yoomi put the blanket on Sunggyu after Myungsoo put him on the bed. Sunggyu was already asleep. He looked like a child when he was asleep. She caressed his hand with love. She sighed deeply. There were too much thoughts in her mind right now.

"Yoomi-ah,can you at least tell me what's bothering you?"Myungsoo asked her as he saw her darkened expression. Yoomi didn't utter a word. She wanted to keep it to herself.

"Don't you love Sunggyu hyung?"that question really froze her body for a moment. Of course she loved him. She loved him so much.

"I don't get it. I can see clearly that you have feelings for Sunggyu hyung. But why are you torturing both Sunggyu hyung's and your feelings?". Yoomi suddenly cried as she planted Sunggyu's palm on her face. Myungsoo looked startled and approached her.

"Yoomi-ah,what's wrong? Please tell me..I know something is bothering you that make you feel hesitate to accept Sunggyu hyung,right?"Myungsoo patted her shoulder.

"I love him so much,Myungsoo-ah. I love him so much that I would die for him. But, I can't. It's too dangerous. I need to protect him,Myungsoo-ah.."she sobbed.

"I don't understand. Why can't you accept him when you are in love with him?"Myungsoo asked in confused.

"Because I'm afraid that I can't accomplish the only thing that I want to do the most in my life..."she replied back.

"What is it,Yoomi-ah?"Myungsoo asked curiously.

"My revenge.."Yoomi replied as she wiped her tears from falling down.

Myungsoo's eyes were widened. He didn't know that Yoomi kept this plan for a long time.

"So,that means you knew who is responsible for your family's deaths?"he asked her impatiently. Yoomi nodded her head.

"I can't tell you about that,Myungsoo-ah. I need to do it by myself."Yoomi said to him.

"Sunggyu hyung won't let you if he found out. It's too dangerous.."Myungsoo said worriedly.

"I know. That's why you can't tell him,Myungsoo-ah..can you do it for me?"Yoomi asked him.

"But Yoomi-"Myungsoo tried to oppose the idea.

"Myungsoo,please..this is the reason I can't tell him. This is the reason I can't have him. Because I would forget everything just to be with him. It's not fair for my family. What would you do if you were in my place?"Yoomi started to cry again.

Myungsoo stood still. She was right. Poor Yoomi,she had to carry out a heavy burden on her shoulder. He felt bad for ignoring Yoomi's feelings for her family.

"I would do the same if it happen to my parents. Fine. I'll keep it a secret as long as you are safe,Yoomi-ah.."Myungsoo patted her head gently. Yoomi looked at him gratefully. She was glad that Myungsoo understood her.
Sunggyu woke up and felt headache out of a sudden.
"Ah,my head.."he touched his head and pulled out the blanket from his body.

"You are awake now. Are you feeling okay,Sunggyu-ah?"Sookhee asked him.

"I'm okay,mom. What happen?"he tried to recall back what happened.

"Aigooo..this kid..don't you remember? Myungsoo and Yoomi took you home. Yoomi just went home. She stayed with you all the night. The maid said that she didn't even sleep. Why did you do that?"his mom nagged at him. Sunggyu then remembered everything.

"Yoomi took care of me last night?"Sunggyu asked again. His mom nodded. Sunggyu immediately took his towel and went into his shower room.

He went to her faculty. But she was not there. Sunggyu called her phone but she switched it off.

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