Cheer Up

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With tears still leaking from my eyes, I power walked straight to the forest's perimeter, ignoring all the cadet's wide eyed stares. Eren noticed my beeline for the forest and followed after me silently. After stomping my way a few yards into the forest, I stopped and whipped around to glare at Eren.
"What're you following me for!" I demanded.
"W-what happened?" Eren questioned, fear laced in his voice.
"None of your business."
"I-I'm just worried," Eren replied, unsure of himself.
I froze and let out a sigh. I shouldn't be taking my anger out on Eren...
"I'm sorry," I apologized with a whole new tone.
"Don't be." Eren smiled like a puppy that just received a rewarding pat on the head.
I gave a weak smile in return before sitting down where I stood. Eren came over and sat beside me, not saying a word. His presence was enough to lift my foul mood, but not by much. Eventually, he spoke up,
"Did I tell you what Horseface did this morning at breakfast?"
I looked at Eren with curiosity.
"He spilled a spoonful of the porridge on his lap cause he was too busy staring at a cute girl walking across the room," Eren said, almost bursting with laughter.
I chuckled slightly picturing Jean with a lump of that shitty porridge on his lap, but my laughter stopped abruptly when I realized Eren had said "cute girl". Eren must have noticed this because he asked,
"What? I thought you'd be dying of laughter by now. What's wrong?"
"Cute girl," I mumbled unconsciously, still deep in thought.
A blush crept across Eren's face and he added,
"Ah, well at least Jean thought she was cute or something."
This attempt at comforting pulled me from my thoughts and I smiled a bit, making Eren happy.
"Oh! And also, Sasha got in trouble for taking other people's food, so she had to run laps this morning."
"Wow, I sure missed a lot, didn't I?"
"Haha Yeah, where were you anyway?"
With this question, I sunk back into my bad mood. Eren noticed and was probably mentally face palming.
"...I was with Levi Heichou."
"He wanted to know if the rumors were true."
"What rumors?"
"The rumors that we're dating," I answered blankly.
"W-wha?! I never heard those rumors before!"
"You usually don't hear rumors about yourself," I explained, looking up at Eren.
The boy's face was red as he stared down at his lap.
"Me and you," he said, pondering the idea of it.
"What're you thinking?"
I sighed.
"We should head back before they send a search team."
"They would do that?!" Eren asked fearfully.
I chuckled.
"Who knows..."
We chatted idly on our way back, laughing about the most menial of things. I hadn't even realized that I'd forgotten about this morning's event. My bad mood and teary eyed expression was something of the past now as Eren and I made our way to the edge of the forest.

Levi x Reader x ErenWhere stories live. Discover now