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I woke up to the sound of a steady beeping. I listened peacefully to the cadence for a while before making the effort to force open my heavy eyelids. The bright light of the sun shone through a window to my right,
forcing me to squint. I tried to lift my hand to cover my eyes, but the weight was too much to bear and I was far too weak. At most, I got my fingers to move a bit. Slowly, I grew more conscious of the steady beeping and it began to annoy me. I allowed my eyes adjust to the lighting before fully opening them and looking around. The room I lay in was painted white and contained hardly any furniture. It was void of color and happiness and life. The steady beeping continued as I tried to lift and turn my head, letting out a pained groan in the process.
A sudden voice spoke cheerfully,
"Oh! You're awake!"
"Hmm..." I mumbled with a cracking voice. "Who-?"
"Ah, it's me, Eren!" He said as he came to stand by the bed.
I gave him a confused look, and he seemed to have noticed because he began explaining everything.
"There was an accident," he said sadly, "Bean broke his restraints and lunged at you."
"But...this isn't heaven, is it? Why aren't I dead?"
"Well, Captain Levi saved you."
Suddenly a door opened and the corporal himself stepped in.
"Speak of the devil," I murmured.
"You're awake. It's about time," a solemn voice spoke, "Jaeger, go get her a pudding cup or something."
"S-sir, I don't think she can eat that yet."
"Are you questioning orders, cadet?"
"N-no, sir!"
I smiled as I heard the door click shut.
"Strict as always, sir."
"It was nicer than telling him to just go away."
"Whatever you say... I guess I should thank you for saving my life, huh?"
"Idiot, what did I say? You shouldn't have helped Hanji if you were tired."
"What can I say? I'm a pushover for Hanji." I let out a raspy chuckle before cringing in pain again.
"What hurts?" He asked with concern.
"My entire body," I half joked.
Levi's face unconsciously twisted into a sad expression.
"But I'm alive. And I have you to thank for that."
I smiled as I attempted to reach for his hand. He noticed my intentions and grabbed my hand, holding it softly in his own.
As I examined Levi's expression, my eyes began to water and a tear made its way down my cheek. Then another tear, and soon my face was soaked and my vision was blurred. I felt Levi's hand tighten around mine and I was overwhelmed with emotions.
"Levi, I-I'm sorry! I should have listened to you! I deserved this; I'm an idiot!"
"It's not your fault, and there's no way in hell that you deserved this. You're not an idiot though you may act like one sometimes." He offered a half smile.
A small chuckle escaped my lips before it turned into sobs.
In between sobs, I noticed how Levi stood stiff and was noticeably uncomfortable. He has trouble comforting people, especially crying women, so this situation was hell on earth for the poor guy. He'd probably rather be fighting titans, something he knows he can do well.
In an attempt to help Levi, I pulled my hand away from his and asked him to get me a tissue. He eagerly accepted the temporary escape and left the bedside to grab a tissue box off a small desk across the room. Just as Levi reached for a tissue, the door opened slowly and a worried face peeked in.
A small voice asked, "Is the captain gone yet?"
"I'm right here, brat," Levi responded, making the boy jump.
Eren pushed open the door fully and stepped in, holding a pudding cup and a plastic spoon proudly in his hands.
"Got em," he smiled.
His smile soon twisted into a frown as he saw the tears cascading down my face. A small but sharp inhale was audible before Eren came rushing to my side. He tossed the cup and spoon on the bed and clutched my hands tightly. He watched my face with wide eyes, unable to even ask why I was crying. I stared back, getting lost in his beautiful greenish turquoise eyes. As he watched the salty tears leave my eyes, I noticed tears welling in his own.
"Eren, why...? Please don't cry..."
"I-I can't help it! Because you're... you're in pain... I'll stop crying when you stop!"
Tears began to stream down Eren's face as he bent over me carefully, capturing me in a warm embrace.
I hugged him back tightly and cried into his shoulder as he did the same to me.
Eventually, our tears ran dry and Eren pulled away. His eyes were obviously red and puffy as were mine. I couldn't help but look at him and smile, but the smile soon escalated into a chuckle then into a laugh.
"Haha We're ridiculous! I don't even remember why I was crying in the first place! Hahaha And you were crying just because I was?! We're a couple of cry babies right now, aren't we? Haha"
Eren chuckled along with me as he rubbed his swollen eyes with his fists.
"It's not bad to cry. Everyone needs to release pent up stress at some point."
"I guess that's true..."
"And as for me, I was only crying because you were."
"I know, I just don't understand why. Haha"
"I guess it's because I care about you," he said as he held my hand in his own.
"Well then thanks for that."
A gave his hand a small squeeze and he smiled in response.
A sudden voice rang out from across the room.
"Ahem," Levi cleared his throat loudly, reminding me of his presence.
I quickly pulled my hand from Eren's and tried to change the room's atmosphere.
"So, uh, you got me a pudding cup, huh?"
Eren reached for the cup and held it up.
"Yup! At first they refused to give it to me because they thought I was stealing. They said that it's only for patients! But I persisted and they gave it up! I'm still not sure if you're even allowed to eat this though..."
"Haha Well it's okay, you can have it. As a reward for your efforts! You've completed your mission, cadet. Now please enjoy a nice chocolatey reward!"
Eren laughed and saluted.
"Yes, ma'am!"
"Ma'am? Do I look like an old lady to you, cadet?!"
Eren laughed again, making me giggle.
Another "ahem" silenced the room as Levi made his way over to where I lay. He handed me the tissue with a stern look.
"Thanks," I muttered.
He nodded his head before turning to stand by the window, his shadow nearly filling the room.
I stared at his back for a moment before looking back to Eren, who was watching me with a stupid grin on his face.
"Shouldn't you be at training right now?"
"Yeah..." he admitted with a shrug.
"You should probably go back now, before you get in trouble for skipping.
"Probably... Are you gonna be alright?"
"Of course! I'm feeling better already, and anyway, Levi's here. I'll be perfectly alright. Thanks for visiting though."
"Ok... I'll see you tomorrow then," Eren spoke hesitantly before turning and leaving.
I looked back at Levi, who was standing in the exact same position as before. He stood frozen as the warmth of the sunlight washed over him. The bright light illuminated his handsome features, making him look like a marble statue.
After awhile of admiring his physique, I noticed how the silence between us grew thicker and a sudden feeling of awkwardness shrouded the room.
'What can I say to break this strange aura?' I thought to myself.
In a fit of worry and indecision, I took a page from Petra's book,
"So...nice weather, right?"

Author's Note: Sorry for making you wait so long... I haven't edited this chapter all that much, so I apologize for any errors; I just wanted to get this published for you all ASAP. I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for all the support.
What would you like to see happen next in this story? I need inspiration!

Please leave a comment if you want! <3

Levi x Reader x ErenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя