Stable Duty

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Eren looked back at me with a smile playing across his lips.
"Oh thank god it's you! I thought I'd be stuck with someone boring," he said.
I chuckled at Eren's excitement. 'How childish and innocent.' I returned his smile, genuinely happy to be able to spend this morning with Eren.

We began grooming and feeding the horses while chatting idly about unimportant topics. I always felt strangely at peace when talking with Eren. I could nearly forget about this whole titan situation and all the gruesome deaths. But of course, the memories would never fully subside. Eren just made them go away for a short while, and I loved this distraction. There was never a dull moment between us. We are constantly laughing or playing around. He's a good friend of mine, the closest in fact.
As the morning ended, Eren and I finished up feeding the horses. The bright sun shown slightly over the mountains, radiating a beautiful orange glow. I elbowed Eren.
"Hey, look at the sunrise. It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Eren grinned, gazing at my face with a soft expression. "It sure is."
"But, you know, my father always used to tell me not to look at the sun. Something 'bout burning my retinas." I chuckled. "However, I always was the rebellious type."
Eren laughed a bit before adding, "Then we should watch the sunset sometime together too."
I smiled, "Then it's a date! Haha"
Eren blushed red before turning to watch the rising sun.

Author's Note:
Saying "Then it's a date!" is sorta like a figure of speech. It's kind of like saying "Sounds like a plan!"
So when I wrote "I smiled, "Then it's a date! Haha" it's meant jokingly. Like "haha okay, sounds like a plan! ^.^" They didn't just plan an actual date! ...just in case someone might misunderstand.

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