Back to Normal

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After cleaning the last room on the list, I slowly headed to Levi's office to return his cleaning supplies, dreading what was to come. Surely he was still upset. The broom clattered against the floor as I dragged it to Corporal's room with me. After ten prolonged minutes of shuffling, I made it to the large door separating me from Shorty. I set down the supplies with a small clatter and knocked on the door.
"Name and business."
I rolled my eyes.
"It's me again. I'm here to return your precious babies."
I pushed open the doors and picked up the supplies again, walking over to Levi and shoving them towards him.
"Here," I said before turning on my heels to leave.
"Wait," he demanded with the slightest frantic tone.
He stood from his chair and walked around his desk to face me. His eyes bore into my own as he stared at me.
"What are you doing?"
"Shut up. I'm thinking."
"Think when I'm gone," I said, once again turning to leave.
"Wait," he demanded, grabbing my arm.
"What?!" I nearly yelled, turning around quickly to face him.
Before I even had the chance to look him in the eyes, his hands had pulled my face in for a forceful kiss. Without any time to react, I simply froze.
He pulled away slowly, looking for a reaction, but I just stood with wide eyes and a growing blush.
I began to speak,
"W-what was...?"
"I'm sorry...for everything," he said quietly.
His sincere apology surprised me as I continued to stare blankly at him.
"Oh, um... I forgive you. I'm sorry too, I guess."
I gave a sheepish grin and stared down at the floor. Damn, Levi knew how to push my buttons, but he'd always come up with an apology that makes my heart melt.
Levi's deep voice interrupted my thoughts,
"Oh, I almost forgot. Hanji wanted to see you when you finished cleaning. She needs help with another titan experiment."
I groaned and shook my head.
"Not another Titan experiment."
"Unfortunately, it's true. I'll see you later, won't I?"
I nodded and began to leave.
A few steps later, Levi called out,
"Be careful."
'Heh. He still worries about my safety even though I've been around titans for so long. What a sweet guy...' I thought.
I stopped walking and thought for a moment.
Then I turned briskly on my heels and practically ran towards Levi, enveloping him in an embrace. I buried my face in his chest, inhaling his smell and rejoicing in the fact that our fight was over and things would be back to normal. I gave one last squeeze before letting Levi go. As usual, his face showed very little emotion, but I definitely saw surprise and warmth playing across his strong features.
I smiled up at him.
"I'll be careful," I reassured him before leaving to meet Hanji and her titan friends.

Levi x Reader x ErenWhere stories live. Discover now