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Without a plan in mind, I stood frozen between the feuding boys.
"What the hell is wrong with the both of you?! Levi, it's your responsibility to watch over and take care of him," I gestured to Eren, "And Eren! He's your superior and you need to respect him. You're supposed to depend on each other, not fight each other!"
The boys glared at one another but didn't say a word. If looks could kill...
"You're both acting like children! And until you end these puerile arguments..." I paused to think of a threat, "I'm not talking to either of you!"
"...You have to talk to me. I'm your superior," Levi pointed out with a stupid smirk.
"Tch. You think you're hot shit, don't you, Levi?" I mumbled.
"Hah? What was that?!"
"I said you're an asshole!"
At that, Levi's face burned with anger, as did mine. This time, it was Eren who intervened and prevented a fight.
"Wait, she's right!" Eren exclaimed.
"Excuse me?" Levi hissed, obviously ready to kill someone.
"No, I meant about being immature. We were acting a bit childish... I'm sorry, both of you."
I smiled at Eren's sincere apology, then looked expectantly to the other male to hear his.
"Tch. Whatever."
My smile turned into a frown as I glared at Levi.
"At least try to make an effort, Corporal. Eren just set a nice example; why don't you follow it?"
Levi's glare intensified.
"Tch. I'm heading to my office now, and I expect to see you there in ten minutes," Levi stated as he stared me in the eyes.
As the door slammed shut behind Levi, I let out a long, drawn out sigh.
"Honestly..." I muttered to no one in particular.
As I began to follow in Levi's footsteps, Eren spoke up.
"You don't have to go you know... I mean, if you don't feel safe."
"Don't worry, Levi is no threat to me."
I forced a small smile and began to leave the room once more. Little did I know, Eren watched me intently, dead set on "saving" me from the big, bad Levi. (More like small, aggressive Levi.)

I walked mindlessly until I stood before Levi's office door. Without bothering to knock, I let myself in. The tiny corporal looked up from the paperwork he was currently scribbling a signature on.
"It's about time," he practically growled, getting to his feet and heading my direction.
I slowly closed the door behind me and stood waiting with a slightly irritated expression. Before I knew it, Levi was in front of me, faces only a foot apart. We stared into each other's eyes, not lovingly, but like we were fighting a battle without words or action. There didn't seem to be a winner. The war had reached a stalemate.
"Levi, we need to talk." I spoke in a deadpan manner.
"About what?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"If it were, I wouldn't be asking, now would I, brat?"
I could feel the blood rushing to my head as my face heated and I became apoplectic with rage. Clenching my fists, I breathed slowly yet shakily until I was calm enough to speak.
"Listen, this isn't going to work out anymore."
Levi's face shown a quick glimpse of worry before becoming entirely serious.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Us. We. Me and you. This thing we've had. I'm ending it."
As angry as I was with Levi, it hurt to say such words. Our relationship hasn't always been the best, but I've enjoyed it altogether. We needed some work, but was I or Levi even willing to try and fix it?
"So just like that it's over? You're not thinking rationally. Why don't you get some sleep and calm down, then we can talk about it tomorrow," Levi offered almost desperately.
My heart clenched as I shook my head.
"No, I've been thinking about it for a while now. Sleep deprived and angry or not, I believe I've made my decision."
"But why?" He spoke angrily at first, " least tell me why."
Levi's voice cracked a bit and I thought my heart would stop.
"Levi... I really loved you, in the beginning at least. But you never, not even once, told me how you felt. I began to feel like you didn't care about me-"
"Of course I do! I didn't think I'd have to tell you that!"
Tears began to blur my vision.
"-And then, Eren... He's always treated me so kindly..."
As the salty water droplets began rolling down my cheeks, I became unsure of myself.
Levi spoke in a broken voice, yet he still managed to sound strong somehow.
"...So...You're leaving me for that brat?"
"No! ...I don't know...Maybe...Unlikely...Possibly..."
I kept going back and forth in my mind, trying to reason with myself. Should I be with Eren, who's always been so sweet, or Levi, who has his moments but is great company? Both are undoubtedly hot as hell and are great people with flaws like the rest of us.
Levi interrupted my contemplative trance with a sigh. His head hung low and he never took his eyes off the floor, even as he enveloped me in one last desperate embrace. I heard a barely audible sniffle before he stepped back, eyes still glued to the floor and raven black hair covering his eyes.
He spoke uncharacteristically softly, "Since I can't make you stay, I'd like to say something before you go... I'm sorry that I couldn't make you truly happy or satisfied. But I promise that if you give me another chance, I'll try even harder to treasure you and show you my feelings. I love you. I really do."
When he finished, he turned around slowly and walked to his bedroom, which was adjoined with his office. The creaking of the door and the click of it closing shut made my stomach churn with sadness. With nothing left to do, I began shuffling into the dark hallway, lost in my own head.
I looked up only when I heard footsteps quickly approaching. Eren turned the corner, jogging into view. He stopped running the moment he saw me and walked over to me. As he collected himself and tried to catch his breath, he failed to notice my tear stained face and puffy, red eyes. However, the moment he caught sight of my distraught appearance, his face twisted into one of concern. He grabbed my shoulders, shaking me slightly.
"What's wrong?! What did Corporal do to you?!"
"...He didn't do anything. More importantly, what are you doing running through the halls?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"I've been looking for you. I have something important to tell you."
"What is it?"
Eren made eye contact with me before immediately blushing and looking away.
"I...I think- No, I know that I can protect you from Levi. Whatever he's doing to make you cry, I promise that I won't let it happen again. I would never make you cry." He spoke with determination and ease, probably having planned and recited this speech to himself multiple times.
"Eren, I really don't need protection from Levi."
He didn't look convinced.
"I promise," I urged.
Eren nodded quietly.
"Still though," he spoke sincerely, "I want to make you happy. I really like you, and if you give me the chance, I know we can be happy together. Please, think it over."
Without saying any more, Eren leaned in and kissed my cheek. Then he left, leaving me stunned and blushing and in utter turmoil.

'What am I going to do??'

Levi x Reader x ErenWhere stories live. Discover now