What are we really?

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Needless to say, after the last event, Levi and I have become more intimate. The words "I love you" have never been uttered from either one of our lips, but I think we understand each other's feelings. I think...

So far, our relationship has been secret. It consists of glances across the room and needless brushes of the arms whenever we walk by one another. Occasionally, we meet up in secret to steal kisses and, well... use your imagination... ;)

I like Levi, but I'm not sure where this is going. He's impossible to read, his stoic expression is sometimes like a statue carved in marble. I wish I could understand his emotions, but I know that's too much to ask for. Anyway, I've never been one to act like a needy girlfriend, so I don't like to push my limits. I'll just go on and continue as usual. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.

With Levi's squad gathered around the dining table, I poured everyone a cup of coffee or tea. As I sat down, across from Levi, I noticed the awkward silence hovering over the room like a cloud of thick smoke.

"Ahem..." I cleared my throat, trying to act nonchalant. Petra caught on to my act and gave a feeble attempt at a conversation.

She awkwardly intervened, "So... Nice weather we're having, huh?"

I looked at her with an unamused expression as she forced a smile and went back to sipping her coffee. The air was still thick with silence.

Just then, Hanji walked in. She speed walked, borderline jogged, straight to me, grabbing my hands and holding them in her own.

"What...?" I asked hesitantly, almost regretting it a second later. She replied with enthusiasm,

"You'll never guess what happened! I swear, Bean smiled at me today!! I think I'm making progress!"

She continued to gaze at me with more enthusiasm than humanly possible. Eren quietly began to question,

"Who is Be-" I cut him off.

"WELL, would you look at the time? Hanji, shouldn't you go and wish Sawney and Bean goodnight?"

"Eh? But I already did."

"Ah, well... Anyway, I think we should all get some sleep now. It's already dark out."

As I said that, everyone began to get up and sluggishly stumble out of the room. Hanji followed them out, and only Eren, Levi, and I remained.

"Hah. I guess they were more tired than I thought. We did train hard today..." I smiled as the last person left the room. "You two should get to bed too."

Eren looked up at me, "So, who are Sawney and Bean??"

I quickly answered, "They're Hanji's captured titans. She uses them for her studies on titans. They're quite near and dear to her heart. That's the short explanation, but if you want to hear more information, then ask Hanji. That is, if you don't mind listening to her talk for an eternity." I chuckled, remembering her enthusiasm.

"Oh, I see," Jäger replied.

Levi cut in, ignoring Eren and motioning to me, "C'mon, let's get to bed. It's late."

A slight blush crept across my face and I turned to the side, hiding it from view. Levi rose from his chair and headed for the door. As he brushed past me, he whispered, "See you in my office..." The door closed shut after him. 'Was that a question or a command?' I thought.

"So, where do I sleep again?" Eren interrupted, bringing me back to reality.

"Hmm? No one showed you yet? Ah, I'll show you there. Follow me."

Eren trailed behind me as I led him to his room in the basement.

"Sorry, I know it's not the ideal place, but it's for safety." I offered a condoling smile as Eren looked around his room.

"It's fine. I understand."

I walked over and pat his shoulder. "So, how do you like the survey corps? Is everything all right? I know you've had it pretty rough."

The boy walked over to his bed and sat down. I followed his lead and sat next to him, taking my jacket off and placing it at the foot of his bed. The slight humidity in this dungeon-like room was increasingly uncomfortable and I really began to pity the boy.

"Honestly, it's different than I imagined. But it's not bad. The people are really nice. Yeah, I like the people," Eren sighed.

He looked up at me with a smile and a slight blush spreading across his cheeks. I couldn't help but notice what a good attitude this boy had, even after being brutally beaten by his own squad leader in court and made to sleep in this place.

"You're admirable," I said quietly as I grinned towards Eren.

He blushed harder and stared down at his lap. "T-thanks, but I'm really not... You are," he mumbled under his breath.

I tapped his shoulder before standing up. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then! Have a good night's rest."

"Mhmm. You too."

I shut the door and nearly jogged to Corporal's room. He'll be mad that I took my time chatting with Eren. I giggled at the thought of a jealous Corporal. When I got to the door, I tapped lightly, and Levi opened almost immediately. His face held a stern glare and he was truly intimidating.

"You're late," he scowled.

"S-sorry, I was showing Eren his room."

"Tch. Come in." He quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me in before anyone could notice. Once again, his jealous kisses drowned me in pure bliss...

Levi x Reader x ErenWhere stories live. Discover now