Near Death

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The next morning, everyone sat quietly in the kitchen, sipping tea or stirring instant coffee. It was so early that no one had the energy to start up a conversation, nonetheless keep up with one... No one except Hanji of course. The moment she burst through the door, a collective and tired sigh swept across the room.
Hanji ran straight up to me, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me.
"You'll never guess what happened!!"
"Well, guess!" She prompted.
"I don't know... Sawny or Bean did something?"
"That's kinda right! After you helped me with yesterday's experiment, they seem to be more cooperative!"
"Okay... That's good, I guess."
"I think you're my good luck charm! Can you help me with today's experiment too?" She pleaded, hands clasped, eyes wide, and lips quivering.
"Ugh. But I helped yesterday until late at night! I'm exhausted."
"Just for today and that's it!"
I almost gave in to Hanji's antics, but a low voice interrupted.
"Hanji, you know it's not safe to be around titans when you're tired," Levi scolded her with an intimidating glare.
Eren's calm voice chimed in as well,
"Yeah, that seems dangerous..."
"But... she's a big girl! She can answer for herself," Hanji gestured towards me, "Are you really that tired?"
Puppy dog eyes and begging ensued until finally, I decided.
"Ugh, fine! Just stop with the begging; I can't take it anymore!"
Hanji leaped into the air, cheering.
"Yayyyy! Thank you thank you thank you! Let's go wake up Sawny and Bean now!!"
With a heavy sigh, I forced myself to my feet and shuffled after the excited Hanji. As the insane brunette dragged me out the door, everyone looked at me sympathetically, except Levi of course. He looked a bit more irritated than usual.
~~~time skip~~~
"Put that over there!" Hanji commanded someone. "No, the box goes in that corner!"
My heavy eyelids began to flutter shut until a loud voice interrupted.
"Hey! Wake up sleepy head!!"
With a jolt, I stood up straight and stared at Hanji with wide eyes. My surprised look turned into a glare as I looked at the brunette.
"How much longer do I have to be here," I complained, "It's late and I'm not alert enough to be of any help."
"Just a few more minutes," Hanji begged.
"How much is 'a few'?"
"Mm... like thirty."
"Thirty minutes is not a few, Hanji!"
"Please please please stay! Just for...fifteen more minutes!"
Once again, puppy dog eyes and begging got the best of me.
"Fine! But you owe me big time."
"Yay! Thanks! Could you go tighten the ropes holding Bean? I think he's been pulling them loose."
"Whatever," I mumbled before sauntering over to Bean.
I looked the titan hostage in the eyes and chuckled,
"I almost feel bad for you."
The titan had struggled to escape his restraints so much that the rope was beginning to cut into his neck, giving him space to slightly lunge at a passerby.
As I bent over to pull and tighten the rope which was wrapped around Bean's neck, a sudden dizziness overcame me. My sight began to go black and I wobbled forward. A snapping sound cracked through the air as I briefly caught sight of a piece of rope whizzing past me. Next thing I saw was the starving titan hostage lunging at me with an open mouth. With no time to react, I just shut my eyes tightly, hoping for a quick and painless death, though I knew it was too wishful.
I heard screams echo through the air right before I felt the impact. It was like getting hit by a carriage at full speed or getting kicked by a horse. For a split second, I felt like I was flying through the air. Then my body slammed into the ground as lifelessly as a rag doll's would. As I drifted in and out of consciousness, I could make out the sounds of screams and of slicing flesh. All the awful sounds echoed again and again in my mind until I finally blacked out.

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