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I groggily opened my eyes, only to see that day had descended into night!

I shot up and began to undo myself from the branch. I disentangled myself as fast as humanly possible. The sun was going down faster than I had anticipated, so it was crucial that everything I do be quick and perfect. I had no time to waste. Luckily I had woken up just before the night became pitch black. There was just enough light to see a few yards in front of me. Although dangerous, I needed to get out of this forest, and that meant using my maneuver gear to get out ASAP.

After becoming free of my safety precautions, I readied myself for a difficult task: maneuvering through the trees of a dim lit forest before the sun went down completely and all sight was destroyed. The funny thing is, I'm more afraid of what Levi will do to me once I get back.

As I skillfully dodged trees and branches, I couldn't help but think of what kinds of punishment I will be receiving later...

(Oh dear, that sounds kinky. ^ )


I had made it back, and fortunately, no one seemed to be up late enough to spot me. It was quiet, but almost too quiet. It was unnerving actually. I stood for a moment in the darkness before heading towards my room, trying to be as sneaky as possible. As I tip toed past the horses, I could hear them stirring and making soft neighing sounds.

"Shhh! Quiet down, all you Jeans!" I yelled in a whisper.

I soft laugh escaped my lips as I remember the joke Eren and I had together. I did feel a bit bad for Jean though. I never considered him ugly, but there was just something horsy about him.

Still smiling over Eren's comments on 'horse face' Jean, I continued to make my way past the stables. I stealthily made it to my room and congratulated myself for succeeding without Levi finding out. I opened my door as slow as possible and squeezed through the foot and a half space I made. Then, I gently closed the door and released the handle, letting out a sigh of relief.

Relief short lived. It wasn't soon after I had breathed out a sigh that I breathed back in rigorously for a gasp.


Oh no! A cliffhanger?! Not really though. Spoiler: There's someone in the room?! And I left you a hint about who in italics. (^_-) haha

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed and will continue to enjoy this peek into my imagination. Thanks for the support. I've been having trouble writing and finding motivation. So thanks for the inspiration. (^o^)/

Have a nice day/night. See ya next time!

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