Out of the Woods

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After walking and idly chatting for some time, Eren and I made it back to the edge of the dense forest. My eyes were visibly swollen and red from the crying, but I was now smiling. Eren continued to blurt out funny stories he happened to remember, most of them involving Jean.
"...and so that's how we actually got him to eat hay!" Eren nearly exclaimed, laughing all the while.
"Pfft! Haha You guys are too mean to him!"
"Haha Maybe... maybe not," Eren continued to grin at me.
I gazed up at him and added, "You definitely are," before ending the comment with a chuckle.
Eren continued to stare, making me shift in discomfort.
"What is it?"
"Oh! Uhh," he said as if he hadn't even realized he was staring, "...I was just thinking that I'm glad you're happy again."
I looked away from him, blushing before I even realized what he was saying.
"Y-yeah, thanks for that."
"For what?"
"Well it's because of you! ...that I'm smiling right now."
As I looked up at the boy again, I noticed his face was an obvious red.
Somehow this seems like a dangerous situation...
"W-well, let's get going then! I'm sure there are chores to do," I said, trying to change the subject.
And with that, we continued to walk until we were assigned a task for the day.
Lucky me. I was assigned cleaning duty... And of course, the task leader was none other than Clean Freak himself. The last person I wanted to see again today.
I slowly shuffled my feet across the floor to Levi's office.
*knock knock*
"State your name and business," the same cold voice rang out.
'I don't have time for this.' I thought with annoyance.
"It's me, and I'm here to receive my list of tasks for cleaning duty today."
"Come in."
I opened the door and walked over to his desk, where his feet were resting.
"Right, here is a list of rooms that need dusting and sweeping," Levi said, handing you a neatly written out list.
'So he was playing this game too, pretending like nothing happened. Well I'll win by being the bigger man and apologizing!'
"Yeah, thanks... And I'm sorry about lashing out at you earlier. Your concern was understandable, I just overreacted a bit..."
"Understandable? Are you saying I should be concerned...about you and that titan shifting brat?"
"Wha?! That's not what I said at all!"
"Well that's what it sounded li-"
"Shut up! Just shut up. I said I was sorry and now I'm leaving," I said as I turned on my heels to leave.
"Apologizing doesn't mean you're out of the woods yet," Levi grumbled.
At this comment, I stopped in my tracks and looked back at him.
"Oh? And what're you gonna do? Squash me with all the 'big ass trees'?"
He glared back with the slightest smirk playing on his lips.
I added, "I don't care if you think I still have to make up for something. I've done nothing wrong. Actually, I think you should grow a pair and apologize yourself."
I let out a little 'hmph' before making my way out and closing the door behind me.
I began making my way to the first room on the list, all the while grumbling to myself.
"Stupid Levi. Why is he so... jealous?"

Authors note:
I feel a bit bad for making Levi seem like the bad guy, so hopefully some cute Levi fluff scenes will be coming up. :3
Also, I think I come across too sassy, so I'll try and tone that down maybe... I dunno, what do you guys think? XP
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time!

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