Welcome Back Pt.2

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"Well, to sum it up, you just got kissed by Horse Face."
I feigned an over-dramatic shudder.
Eren laughed at my reaction and I couldn't help but join in.
After our laughter died down, there was a short, uncomfortable silence which was soon interrupted by a faint yelp in the distance.
"Damn, Levi sure is beating the crap out of Horse Face," Eren spoke, breaking the silence.
I just nodded my head slowly, feeling a bit bad for the poor kid. I began staring into space while imagining the bruised Jean in training tomorrow.
"...He sure is protective of you, huh?"
"......Wha- Sorry, huh? I kinda zoned out for a minute there. Did you say something?"
Eren gave a small smile, thinking about how your mind is often somewhere else. He thought you were just the most adorable thing when he'd watch you get lost in your own head.
"Yeah, I was just saying that Corporal Rivaille seems very fond of you. Protective almost."
A blush crept across my features as I thought about his words. I took my time to carefully form a response.
"Well, we take care of each other around here. The Survey Corp, our squad especially, we're like a family."
Eren perked up a little and smiled. He looked like a puppy who finally understood the command, "Sit!"
"Oh! So Corporal's like your big brother...?"
"Errr... No, not really. Not at all actually."
If Eren were a puppy, his ears would be drooped in defeat and disappointment. Suddenly, he perked up again.
"Then he's like your dad!"
"NOOOOOOO! No no no no! Please, Eren, just stop guessing."
"Listen, Eren, when I said we're like family, I didn't mean we are literally like an actually family! If that were the case anyway, what would we be? Because you sure as hell wouldn't be my dad."
"We'd be husband and wife!" Eren exclaimed as if that were the obvious answer.
My eyes widened and I went completely still with surprise, resulting in the longest awkward silence of my life.
"Jeez, Eren. Sometimes you are just ridiculously innocent," I mumbled indistinguishably as my face turned red.
Eren stared at me with a confused face, so I opened my mouth to draw in a deep breath before speaking.
Just then, the door flung open with a crash and a disgruntled Levi strode in. His fists were tightly clenched and a tad bloody. 'Poor Jean,' I thought.
Levi glared harshly at Eren before making his way to me. I watched with wide eyes as he sped walked in my direction.
He headed straight for me, eyes locked on his target. I couldn't help but feel like prey being hunted by the most dangerous predator. Levi's eyes gleamed as he watched me stand frozen in anticipation.
Finally, he stopped in front of me and grabbed my shoulders roughly. He looked me in the eyes for a split second before taking a moment to glance at Eren, shooting him a ferocious glare accompanied by the most devious smirk. Before I knew what hit me, Levi's lips were attacking my own, hungrily nipping and licking wherever he saw fit. His tongue eagerly explored my mouth as his arms pulled me closer to his body before resting at the base of my back. I tried pulling away for air, but Levi was insistent on continuing. As I looked away for a moment, I saw Eren staring in disbelief and pure shock; his face was red and his expression was seemingly confused and upset. Feeling embarrassed, I began pulling away with more force, but of course, Levi was stronger. Each time, he held me closer against his chest until I couldn't even budge. Out of nowhere, tears began to slowly roll down my cheeks. Levi, being too caught up in the moment, failed to notice, at least until Eren ripped me away from him. Eren hugged me from behind in a protective yet reassuring manner. Levi practically growled but ceased to make any noise when he noticed my tears.
"Can't you tell she's frustrated?!" Eren yelled as he held me tighter.
"What do you think you're doing, brat?!" Levi spat menacingly, taking a step forwards.
The brunette boy's voice broke before he continued.
"Protecting her," he answered with determination clear in his emerald green eyes.
"She's not yours to protect," Levi said harshly, more so than his usual tone.
The tension in the air was thick and terrifying. If this atmosphere continued, there was sure to be a fistfight, and the chances of someone dying from it were too high to risk it.
I broke free from Eren's arms and stood between the two boys. Without a plan in mind, I stood frozen between them. 'How do I end this once and for all,' I thought to myself.

Author's Note: Damn, things got pretty bad pretty fast, huh? Oops...

★ Anyway, let me know if you have any suggestions for the next chapter! ★

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I love you~ I hope you love me too. ♥︎ (Sometimes I'm Eren X))

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