A Budding Romance?

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I circled the trainee over and over, anticipating his every move. Eren circled me with squinted eyes, concentrating on acing his hand to hand combat exam. As it was my job to pass or fail the current trainees, I was using today to test them all.

I was in the survey corps after graduating top of my class a year or two ago. I always wanted to help humanity, so I followed the fearless leader, Levi, into battle. I was lucky to be assigned to his squad. He was always so trustworthy and understanding towards his underlings. Well, at least he was that way to me... sometimes. Maybe not Hanji or this Jäger boy though...

As my mind drifted off and I unconsciously became defenseless, Eren found the chance to pounce at me, knocking me to the ground. As I lay on my back trying to regain the breath that was knocked out of me, Eren saw the opportunity to pass his exam and end the fight. After all, once your opponent can't move, you win. As I struggled to get up, Eren pushed me over again and sat on my stomach, pinning my arms beneath his knees. He leaned over me and smiled.

"Did I pass yet?"

"Tch. It's not over yet Jäger."

I continued to squirm under him, making feeble attempts at freedom. I lay still again, breathing heavily from all the energy I had exerted.


"Give up yet?" Jäger asked with a cocky expression as he leaned closer.

"You wish."

I smirked, jerking my head up to meet with Eren's. I slammed my forehead into his, causing him to fall back. I pushed him down and sat on his abs, using his previous technique. He squirmed beneath me before laying still.

"That's cheating." He whined.

I replied with a devious smile, "There are no rules in a real fight."

I sat on Eren, grinning at his defeated face. I was still going to give him a passing grade, but it was fun to tease him a bit. Just then, Jean walked by and yelled, "Get a room you two!" As he walked away, I could tell he was having a good laugh over that stupid joke.

"Tch." I sighed as I looked down at Eren. "Laughing at his own joke? He is so immatu....re...?"

I stared down at Eren as he looked to the side, failing an attempt to hide his flushed red cheeks.

Just then, I felt someone pull me off the boy beneath me. "Huh?" I turned around and saw Levi giving me his usual death glare.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He questioned coldly, but I was used to his monotonous, icy tone.

"Giving Eren his combat training exam. He passed!" I said with a smile as I turned to wink at Eren and give him a quick thumbs up. Before I could even turn around, Levi pulled my arm and began dragging me away.

"Eh?! What the hell are you doing? That hurts!" I tried to pull away, but it was futile.

Just then, I thought of the most childish thing ever, and decided to defy my corporal with my new found method. It was the perfect act of defiance, and I gave myself a mental high five for coming up with the idea. Well, at least I thought it was a good idea...

Next, i tried to justify my next actions in my head. 'Besides, he had no reason to drag me away from the middle of my exams,' I thought.

I rebelliously pulled away one more time before I simply fell to the ground and sat, unwilling to follow the corporal any longer. He jerked back and looked at me with slight surprise before returning to his calm, usual self with a stoic nature.

"Tch. How old are you? Three? Maybe five?" He asked.

I stuck my tongue out at him. He sighed and began walking towards me. That's when I began to regret my little rebellion. I squeezed my eyes shut in anticipation. But instead of a smack or a bump on the head, I felt a small kiss on my forehead. My eyes shot open and sure enough, I saw Levi there, leaning over me. I placed my hand on the spot that was heated by his touch and nearly screamed,

"Wh-what was that?!"

"Idiot, you're so loud," he replied right before he leaned in closer and forcefully shoved his lips onto mine.

He pulled away as I gasped for air.

"I'll have Hanji take over combat exams. You can help me clean the rooms."

"But-" I tried to argue, but Levi cut me off.

"No buts. That's an order."

He pulled me off the ground and led me away, hand in hand.

Levi x Reader x ErenWhere stories live. Discover now