Don't Be Selfish

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"So, nice weather, right?"
There was a a short pause of absolute uncomfortable silence before Levi turned his back to the window and looked at me.
"Really," he asked with disappointment evident in his voice.
"It really is a lovely day though..." I tried to redeem myself.
"Sure," Levi said, unconvinced.
Returning back to his solemn voice, he added, "So you and that brat are pretty close..."
"Why do I feel an accusation coming on?"
"I'm not accusing, I'm just saying..."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Levi shook his head.
"Anyway, the doctor said you'll be stuck in here for a while more. You'll recover faster if you don't overexert yourself, so stay in bed and be a good girl, okay?"
"...Will you be back to visit tomorrow?"
"...No, I've got a shit ton of paperwork to do..."
Hearing that, my heart sank a little, but it's no surprise that Humanity's Strongest has responsibilities. I just wish I could be his top priority all the time, but that's selfish of me. I can't do that to Levi.
"I understand... Then, visit when you can?"
Levi nodded his head once before leaning over the hospital bed to give me a small kiss on the forehead.
Then, he reminded, or warned, me once more to obey the doctor's orders and not be a "stubborn brat" before he said goodbye and left.
The moment he was gone, the room became painfully silent, the only noise being the steady beeping of the heart rate monitor.
I let out a big sigh before closing my eyes and falling fast asleep.
~time skip~
Everyday since, Eren would visit, bringing with him stupidly hilarious stories from training, most of them involving Jean. Hanji and Levi also visited occasionally, but most of my time in the hospital was spent looking out the single window in the room or sleeping. After many long days of recuperation, I was well enough to be released from the hospital and sent home, where a small group of friends and acquaintances held a small welcome back party.
AU: The next chapter will be the party! I'll try to post it soon in an attempt to make up for my absence.
Please understand, this is my hobby, and sometimes, a lot of the time, life is too busy for hobbies. Sorry for my lack of updates.

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