Until We Meet Again

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I woke up to complete darkness. I knew I wasn't in my room because there would either be slivers of sunlight or moonlight peeking through the blinds. No, I was in the hospital. I heard the beeping of monitors and the light drip of liquids that were coursing through my body. I felt the needle in my hand. I didn't feel any pain, but it's probably got me doped up on morphine. I turned on the light on the nightstand next to me and the light burned my eyes. I closed them tight and opened them, hoping to find slight relief from the pain. I thought back to what had happened last night. I can't believe that Quinn had tried to kill me, again. I don't understand what she was talking about. How I came in and ruined everything. Then Agent West? He said he didn't want to have to kill me. Does that mean he wanted to capture me? To take me somewhere? To make me do something? I don't know. I don't understand anything anymore. I just don't understand. I don't get it. I don't understand what's the big deal with me? Why does everyone want me? I just want it all to stop. I just want to not be confused anymore. There is only one person who can give me the answers that I need. The answers that I've been trying to get for years. Mr. Greyson. He's the only one.

"You're awake." I heard a deep voice say. I turned and saw Jerry wiping his eyes. He was laying on the couch near the wall. "How are you feeling?" He asked yawning. "They brought food a little while ago." He added.

"Honestly? Like shit. But let's not tell anyone else. Our little secret okay?" I said trying to sit up but the pain coursed through my wound and I winced. He nodded. "What are you doing here?" I asked settling back in the laying down position. Jerry noticed my struggle and came over to me. He sat in the chair next to my bed. He moved the bed so that I was up a little bit. I smiled at him. I started eating.

"Well, Tyler and Alex where fighting over who would be in here. I knew the girls would start fighting too, so I told them to settle on a neutral party. Seeing as all we've been through together I figured that I would be the best person to be in here. I understand your boundaries and I wouldn't bother you too much. I mean, they are all very emotional when it comes to you Ela. Now I'm not saying that I'm not, because you're my best friend and I love you, but I just know you a little bit better than they do. We get each other. I knew what you needed, and they aren't it. You need calm, you need someone to confidently tell you everything is going to be okay without giving you false hope of certain things. You need the truth and to be completely honest they've all lied to you because they thought it's what you needed. I've always been honest with you, that's why our friendship works. We don't hide things from each other." He said looking at me and he was so right. That's exactly what I needed. I can't deal with the whole Tyler versus Alex situation. I couldn't deal with the questions and worries and concerns of my friends. I couldn't deal with all of that. I couldn't. I needed Jerry right now. I needed someone who was going to be real with me. I needed someone who I could trust would stay calm with me. I need that.

"I don't understand what's going on anymore Jerry. I don't understand what's happening. I don't understand my world. I don't. I'm so confused." I said shaking my head and looking at him. "This is the second time Quinn has tried to kill me and I don't know what I've ever done to Agent West. Apparently he didn't want to kill me. I mean he shot me, but it wasn't a kill shot. It's like he knew I would've shot him to kill him, but still he didn't want me dead. I can't tell who wants me dead and who wants me alive anymore. I don't know why everyone is after me. Why am I so special?" I asked tears pricking my eyes.

"I don't know what happened out there Ela, and you don't have to tell me unless you want to. All I know is that these are the questions we've been trying to figure out from the very beginning. I can't answer these questions Ela. I can't. Know this though, I won't stop looking. We won't stop looking. Wherever you go I'm right there with you. We're a team. So if you want to drag me back to some far corner of the world because you think we'll find these answers there, then I'll have a bag packed in five minutes ready to go. Whatever you want." He said looking at me intently.

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