Coming Home

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Puling up to the grand double doors of Gallagher Academy. I smiled a bit, feeling that comforting sensation you get coming home after a long vacation. Except what we were coming back from was no vacation. We interrupted a government sting that had taken months to happen. We tried to “kidnap” a “wanted man”. Actually we attempted to save the son of a wanted man. Nonetheless it was seen the same way in the eyes of CIA, and boy can I tell you we’re in some big trouble. Yet, that’s not really the most of my worries right now. What I’m really worried about is getting Reed out of that prison. It would be nice if I knew what prison he was in, but you know… that’s classified information. Information that I’m almost certain Headmistress Morgan has the access to. I cart my bags up the stairs and hand them to the bag boy who will take them to our room. We start walking towards Headmistress Morgan’s office.

“What exactly are we going to say to her when we get there?” Jade asks. We turn to look at her.

“The truth.” I said simply.

“Oh yes. We’re just going to go up to her and say ‘hey, Headmistress Morgan. Yes, I know we snuck out of school to leave the country but we’re back now and we need you to do something for us. We need you to break Reed out of prison. What prison? Oh we don’t know, the CIA agents from the government sting we interrupted trying to save him, wouldn’t tell us.’” Jade said sarcastically.

“Not like that, but we are going to tell her everything. The level of un-trust that’s going around now is unbelievable. We find these people who we think we can trust and then you realize that they have been he ones out to get you all along. I mean, what can I say? We’re going to have to trust her, and she’s going to have to trust us. It’s as simple as that. WE need to start trusting people around here because really, we’re all we got.” I said stopping and looking at the whole group. “And if I’m wrong name someone outside of our group that we can really trust. Not your parents, not us, not Tyler or his friends. Who? Who else is there? The circle is doing who knows what for whatever reason. All the secret service agencies for all the governments in the world right now are out there arresting the innocent. The police is not even on our level. And don’t even get me started on our actual government like the, I don’t know, freaking President of the United States of America. Everyone is corrupted and everyone is untrustworthy. We have found the select few people left in this world that we can actually trust. Headmistress Morgan is one of them. We have to trust her. We have to because we have no one with her connections to all the secret agencies of the world. No one.” I spouted  before continuing to walk to her office. I opened her door.

“Headmistress Morgan, we need to talk.” I saw while walking in, before taking a sharp breath in.

“Sweetie, you’re just going to have to wait. I was in line first.” An injured Mr. Solomon said from a chair in front of Headmistress Morgan’s empty desk.

“Oh my goodness, Mr. Solomon.” I breathed before running over to him.

“Don’t worry about me love. I’ll be fine.” He said in sharp breaths.

“I know you are because I’m going to take care of you.” I said before shimming off my undershirt and placing it on his stomach wound. His bloody hands covered mine and he smiled at me.

The girls finally came in. They stood shocked at the door. “Don’t just stand there, help us!” I yelled at them. They rushed over to us, closing the door behind them. I ripped a piece of Jade’s undershirt and tied it around the cloth I was pressing against his wound. “Ok Mr. Solomon. You’re in a wheely chair. We’re going to roll you down to Doctor S. Ok?” I asked looking at him. He nodded weakly before I looked over at the girls. They opened the door and followed me as I rolled Mr. Solomon across our school. They kept a watch making sure no one saw. Finally we reached his office and I saw Mary. She looked at us knowingly before getting out her walky talky.

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