Chapter 2 -Adam's POV-

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"Ty wait!" I say as all of us went rushing towards the entrance of the lodge. My eyes were wide as I saw footprints run into the forest.

"Ty! It was just a stupid prank!" I hear Mitch say, then in echoed softly in the mountains.

"You guys are dicks!" I yelled at them then ran off to try to find Ty. It was super fuckin dark, I took my phone out seeing a picture of Ty as my lock screen. Oh god Ty... I'm so sorry, this wasn't my plan. Thoughts ran in my head as I turned on my flashlight. I started my way through the blizzard, looking around and down at the foot prints.

"Ty!" I yelled for him and hurried, I found a ledge and jumped off it, ignoring the stairs. I kept running through the forest. God Ty, please don't die on me... I love you! And I never got the chance to tell you! Suddenly I came across two trails. My eyes widen as I heard tramples, but I wanted to get to Ty faster... I took the trail with the footprints.

"Ty...?" I whispered as I saw him crying to himself.

"Ty!" I say as he looks up at me. His eyes were teared up and his face was wet with tears. I took of my jacket, wrapping it around the skinny boy. He was still crying.

"Adam! Why did you come for me?" He sniffed, I looked down at him then pressed my lips against his. They were as cold as ice, but started to get warmer. I broke the kiss then looked at him, his eyes were wide.

"That's why, now come on." I said as I grabbed onto his wrist. There was a low growl behind us, Ty glared at me with wide eyes.


"Ty?" I say as I start running, gripping hard on his wrist.

"RUN!" I yelled as we ran through the Storm. It was so FUCKING dark! I can't tell where we were going. Ty suddenly tripped but with speed I helped him up and we started to run.

"Shit, shit, shit, SHIT!" I say as we both ran. I started to feel my pockets. Oh FUCK! I lost my phone back there, shit... After a lot of running we came to a cliff.

"FUCK! SHIT!" Ty cried. I pushed him behind me, and stared where we came from. Oh god, what the fuck was this thing?

"Stay behind me...!" I say as we walked back. Ty suddenly yelped and grabbed on to my arm. We both fell, but luckily I caught a root.

"Oh god... I don't wanna die...!" Ty cried as we both hung there. I tried to pull my self up, but it was impossible... Ty was heavy and my arm didn't have much muscle.

"Hold on..!" I whimpered. As I tried to pull him up first. Then suddenly fire burst making a scared and hurt howling sound. What the hell was that?! I looked down at Ty, his face covered in tears and snot. Then looked back up and saw a man reaching for us. I kept my hand, gripped around Ty's wrist. Then right when he was right there... The root snapped. We both screamed as we both fell. Oh god please be snow at the bottom...! We both fell into a hole, No Snow. Thoughts of Ty ran through my head.

"TY I-" I screamed before... My body shattered.

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