Chapter 10 -Rob's POV-

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Preston came down the stairs in a different pair of clothes. Mitch and Sky should be back by now.. I looked at the door, waiting for the two love birds to pop in.

"Hey Rob.." Preston sat down by me, and made my arm go around him. I kept staring at the door.

"Whacha doing?" He asked. I suddenly looked down at him, and a smiled formed.

"Just waiting." I responded and pressed up against him. Vikk, Jerome, and Lachlan disappeared somewhere, so did Jason. A sudden shatter of a glass was heard in the kitchen.

"What was that?" Preston said in alarm. I looked towards the kitchen, and shrugged my shoulders.

"Probably just hearing things I'll check it out." I said as I got up, still having a hold of Preston's hand. Then let go of them to go check. The house was still dark, I took out my phone and turned on the light. I pointed to light towards the kitchen and saw a shattered beer bottle on the floor.

"The Hell?" I said. As I kneeled down and looked at the glass from the broken bottle. It must of just fell over, or something.. I got up and headed back into the living room, and saw Preston was gone.

"PRESTON!?" I gasped in surprise to see him gone. I walked towards the couch. No scream or anything from him! Could he be hiding.

"Ha.. Preston you got me.." I chuckled nervously, still thinking weather or not it was a prank. Suddenly a cloth wrapped around my face, and silenced me. I grabbed onto the hand then suddenly felt light headed. I felt my body droop and fall back onto the floor.

I woke up in a room on a chair. My eyes widen as I got up and saw a leaver in front of me. It showed Jason's and Preston's picture on each side. Jason was on the left and Preston on the right. The lights turned on to seem them on a board, tied up. A huge saw was in front of them, all covered in crimson.

"Holy mother of god.." I gasped as I stared at them. They slowly began to wake up and looked at each other.

"Oh my GOSH!" Preston gasped in Surprise. I felt my heart race as I saw him panicking.

"Preston! Jason! Don't worry, I'll get you guys out of this!" I said in worry. Jason was frantically trying to get out of the trap they were in.

"Hello Rob, I want to play a game." I heard a deep raspy voice talk. My eyes widen. Saw shit?! I'm guessing...

"You have a choice right now, you must choose between your two friends." The raspy deep voice talked. My eyes widen as I stared at them. Preston suddenly squirmed around as he listened.

"Choose wisely, Rob." The voice disappeared. The saw suddenly started then moved towards my friends. Preston's eyes widen.

"ROB PLEASE! GET ME OUT!" He cried. Jason looked at me with wide eyes.

"NO PLEASE ROB! YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND OTHER PEOPLE PLEASE JUST GET ME!" Jason said. Preston frowned at what Jason said. I can't find anyone else like Preston... I looked at Jason and Preston. Their faces filled with fear. I switched the switch, and waited.

"You have chosen... Preston."


Sorry people for the previous Chapter of Mitch's death. Please don't kill me lel. Love you all see ya :)

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