Chapter One | The Dreaded Project

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"Did you hear, Celia?" My best friend, Soraya asked as she walked into my house as if she owned the place.

It was Monday morning and I was far too tired to deal with Soraya's boundless energy. My late night NCIS marathon probably didn't help my low energy levels. I blinked my droopy eyes up at my friend, narrowing in on the two cups in her hands. One of those was surely coffee. She laughed at my carnivorous gaze and handed me a cup of the liquid energy.

Sipping at my black coffee, I mustered up the energy to question Soraya. "So? What's up?"

"You know about the teacher strike threat?"

I nodded. For months now, the high school teachers had been threatening to go on strike; a major, full withdrawal strike. That meant no school and in this particular strike, no school for at least one month. Well, at least that's what the papers were saying.

My stomach curled as I guessed her news.

"It's official. Today is day one of the five day notice."

"You're kidding right?" I asked rhetorically, rubbing my temples with my fingers. I could already feel a headache coming on.

"Nope they announced it! Now get your lazy arse up and let's go!" Soraya cheered, gathering up her long strands of chestnut hair into a high ponytail.

Seven years in Canada and she still held traces of her British accent. It probably had something to do with her frequent visits home. She also still held onto the odd British slang word here and there.
"I'll see you later Mrs. Watson!" Soraya waved at my mom who returned a strained smile and a nod.

"I'm coming," I murmured, yawning widely as my friend bounced out of the kitchen.

"Celia, we'll make arrangements to see how we'll get you to keep up with the curriculum during the lost time," My mom said once Soraya was out of earshot. "Remember to come straight back home once school's out. We'll talk tonight."

"Okay mom," I murmured obediently as I stood from my seat, dumped my plate in the sink and followed Soraya out into the chilly morning weather.

"Took you long enough. I hate this weather!" she groaned as we began our walk. "It's so confusing! I mean, in the morning it is freezing! Then, in the afternoon, it's so warm!" she hissed as she handed me her drink and pulled her sweater around herself tighter.

"Welcome to Canada, the land of insane changing temperatures!" I cheered with false enthusiasm.

"You mentioned that many, many times mate," she said, thickening her accent on purpose.

"I know. I do it piss you off."


"Alright! Alright! Calm down guys!" My home room teacher, Ms. Bailey, shouted.

She just officially announced the strike and all the seniors were acting like their lives had ended. Which in some way, it kind of did.

"Hey guys! Quiet down and let me explain everything to you all," she continued as an annoyed expression crossed her face.

The class settled uneasily, many students still casting worried expressions at one another.

"Alright, since you're all graduating this year, we realized we needed something to get marks from you. So, all the senior teachers in the language, arts, and everything else except the math and business departments came up with one huge project that will last the whole duration of the strike. If the strike doesn't last for more than two weeks, this project won't count but if it does, you'll be expected to finish it." She grabbed the thick stack of papers from her desk and began distributing them, much to the pained groans from her students.

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