Chapter Eleven | Underestimation

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I snuck out of the house early, grabbing the keys to check the mail. I riffled through the envelopes before coming across one addressed to me. There was a neat university logo emblazoned proudly in one corner. I slipped the letter in my hoodie's large pocket and locked the mailbox again.

Sneaking back into the house, I padded silently up the steps and dropped my newest letter into the box that held the rest. I wasn't ready to face my future yet. I knew my mother would eventually pry, but I could likely last another week before she became suspicious.


I slid the box back under my bed.

I wasn't quite ready to face the world of university even though my time was running out.


"So, Celia..." Soraya trailed off as her voice shifted to something devilishly evil. "What have you and James done? Other than sneaking around and forgetting about best friends ahem me?"

"We haven't done that much!" I protested.

"Mmmhmmm. Then tell me. You know you're going to, in the end you always do."

"I'm so going to regret this."


"Amusement park."

That's all it took. Two words. Soraya's eyes widened then narrowed and she gaped wordlessly a few times all in a matter of five seconds.

"You didn't tell- never mind. What did you do? Oh did you guys have a cliché Ferris wheel moment?"

Her heavy bombardment of questions was dizzying. I buried my head regretfully into my hands. "Did you guys play those little carnival games? Oh! Oh! Did he win you anything?"

"What the hell? No."

"Don't tell me you managed to beat him in everything?" She stared at me doubtfully.

"Wow, you trust my abilities so much. But no, I lost in everything," I replied honestly. My fingers tangled together as I fidgeted under her scrutiny.

"I'm not surprised," Soraya said with a sly smile, "Then why didn't he give you anything?" Her face held an expression of genuine puzzlement. She paused to think as she grabbed a handful of chips from the bag before us.

"He gave me this bracelet and I guess he saved the rest for his sister."

My arm was violently yanked towards Soraya as she examined the braided cords. She gently ran her fingers over the silver infinity sign.

"It's pretty," she concluded, shoving my arm back at me. "And how'd you know about his sister? Wait never mind, the project... Have you met her?"

I offered a wordless nod. Soraya was going to rage on me for neglecting to tell her this part. I rubbed my arm as I looked out the window of my room, watching the afternoon sun stream in. The family across the street had let out their kids and they were biking and playing with chalk. I hadn't done that in a long, long time.

"Celia?" Soraya prodded.

I hummed in acknowledgment.

"How'd you meet his sister?"

I released another sigh. "I went over to his house to help him sister-sit. Then again yesterday to take care of James."

Soraya blinked. Once. Twice. Then, "Holy guacamole! You've met his parents too then? And you didn't tell me? Celia this is a milestone in your life! Meeting your future husband's parents and siblings! And not telling me surely constitutes treason in the best friend code!" she ranted.

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