Chapter Twenty | Ice Skating

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The rain clouds had cleared out overnight and it was rather sunny today.

I sat in my bed, curled up in a hoodie and sweatpants. Mindlessly, I flicked through one of the few photo albums with pictures of me and Daniel.

There were countless pictures of Daniel running in to ruin my moments. Most of them were silly, starring Daniel and I making crazy poses at the camera.

I laughed, wiping away the tears that gathered in my eyes. But they kept coming, little droplets of sadness that relentlessly pushed against any barriers.

I kept flipping through the photos, page after page of memories that had been captured. Moments that once annoyed me now made me painfully nostalgic and angered.

I couldn't help but wonder how Daniel would be if he were alive today. Would he be athletic? Would he be smart? Would he look up to me? How would he look physically? Would we still be best friends? Or would we be complete strangers?

Suddenly, I dropped the album of memories and I curled up, rocking myself against my rumpled bedsheets. The tears refused to be contained as they leaked out in rivulets that stained my face, my pillows, and my memories.

How could such happy memories cause tears to flow down my face?

I was so consumed by grief that I didn't even notice as the number of missed calls on my phone piled up.

It was the loud ringing of the bell that finally jerked me out of my haze.

I staggered down the stairs tiredly, opening the door once I reached the entrance.

My mind registered the familiar face at my door and I stood up straighter.


"Jeez, Celia! What's wrong with you?"

"I tend to hide out in a hole when Daniel's death anniversary comes around."

"What will take your mind off of him?" James asked, seriously concerned.

"Uhhhh..." I held up a finger as I thought. My mind flashed back to the last few years. I used an old sport of mine to help me forget.

"James, I hope you're up for some skating."

"Whatever makes you happy again."


"Hey James!" I greeted again, as Mrs. Wilson dropped him off. After his impromptu visit to my house, he went back home to change before coming to the rink. "Bye Mrs. Wilson!" I called, with a wave.

She offered me a wave before driving off.

"Hello again Cee," James said, giving me a quick hug. "Ready to have a day of fun?"

"Are you ready?" I asked, coming off rather irritated.

James took it all in stride. "Yes."

"Then let's go."

I sprinted into the community centre and I was immediately greeted by gust of cool air. I closed my eyes, and breathed in deeply, inhaling the smells of the ice rink.

"Yes..." I breathed, "It's been a long time."

I walked to the counter and bought a pass for the fun skate that was going to start in ten minutes. I waited for James to do the same. He took a bit longer because he also had to rent skates.

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