Chapter Seventeen | Calamity

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"How've you been?" Soraya asked, as she came over.

"Not bad, not bad."

"That's awesome then!"

She looked unusually hyper and I knew that something had happened.


"What?" she asked, biting her lip to stop the smile.

"What happened to get you all excited?"

She squealed loudly, "Kenny admitted that he likes me!"

"Damn Soraya! That's awesome!" I shouted, rushing to her and tackling her in a proud hug.

"Right?" Soraya adopted a dreamy look on her face.

"So, what's going to happen now? Are you going to go on a date anytime soon?"

Her happy glow lost its edge slightly. "Well, I may have... kinda sorta... run from him when he told me."

My jaw dropped. "What? Why?"

"I FREAKED OUT! It was so bad, I was so ready for him to confess, I knew he was going to 'cause he was all nervous and kept stuttering and let me tell you, Kenny does not stutter. He's a really smooth talker, which goes nicely with his whole jock aura. But he's actually such an amazingly kind guy. I mean, we volunteered at this soup kitchen for one of our tapes to learn about each other and –"

"Soraya. You're rambling."

"Right! Sorry. I just got nervous, I didn't think and I ran."

"Well that's stupid of you."


"Come here," I beckoned. Soraya looked confused but she shuffled closer. "A little more... there!" I reached up and hit the back of her head.

"What the hell was that for?!" she demanded as she rubbed her head.

"For being stupid."

"Oh, thanks."

"You'd do the same for me," I acknowledged. "Now, what are you going to do about this?"

"I don't even know."

"How about you start by calling him to apologize eh? Then arrange to meet again and tell him how you feel so the poor guy doesn't start freaking out," I suggested.

"I'm scared."

"Don't be," I said comfortingly. "He likes you, you like him, so get together and see where this leads you."

If only I could take my own advice.

I hadn't let myself think about the near-kiss with James on my birthday. We hadn't talked about it either and I already made a pledge with myself. I refused to bring it up unless he did.

"Yeah," Soraya said, developing a determined expression on her face. "I can do this."

My phones buzzed from my bedside table, cutting off my reply to her. I swiped it without checking the caller ID.



"What's up Wilson?" I asked, last-naming James as I glared down an energetic Soraya who was trying to listen to my conversation by sticking her ear close to the phone. "Crap! Soraya, move your head you fattie!"

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