Chapter Two | Wanderlust

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"Dammit James! Get back here!" I shouted, chasing after the brown haired idiot.

School was out this week after five gruelling days of our teachers shovelling in as many lessons as possible. So I invited James over for a basic question and answer session to set the foundation for the project. I was trying to complete some math homework while waiting for his arrival. But James showed up earlier and decided to steal my only pencil -I'd forgotten my pencil case in my locker-and run away, hence this chase.

"James freaking Wilson! Give me the pencil!" I shouted, flying after the boy. I didn't really care about how my neighbours perceived me, so I waved my arms madly in the air, though that didn't help me gain his attention.

I muttered incoherent curses under my breath as I ran, annoyed because the kid was too fast for me; I was panting after a mere minute of flat out sprinting. It was in moments like these that I regretted my lack of exercise. I slowed and finally slid to a stop in order to catch my breath.

I heard his voice before I saw him from my hunched over position. "Reason number one as to why we should always exercise kids: If someone steals your pencil and runs, you can catch them," James chirped cheerily, handing me my pencil. I frowned when I saw the camcorder he was aiming at my unattractive figure.

Swiping at the camera lens to make him stop, I snatched the pencil away from him and trudged back up to my room, still panting for air.

"She's like a cat!" James stage-whispered.

"C'mon James."

As we walked into my room, I almost turned to walk back out upon seeing the thick stack of math (it was literally a centimeter thick).

"Holy! Is that all the work you have? My teacher never assigned that much! He just told us to read the textbook if we felt like it," James gaped in shock, pointing at my math stack. "He also mentioned he wasn't supposed to assign us any work because it's not allowed."

"That's what I thought too, except then, why do we have to complete this project? I'm not taking a risk which is why I'm completing everything. This stack? Technically it isn't mandatory, it's exam review that my teacher posted early. But we are not talking about that! It will be the cause of my death. I've already done too much of the stack!" I declared, shoving lightly at the stack.

But me, being me, managed to hit the bloody pile just enough to knock the whole thing into the ground.

"Nooooo!" I wailed, pressing my hand to my eyes. "My poor, poor stack of homework! Why must you fall like so? Why?" I fell lifelessly to the ground.

A few long beats of silence followed, then, "Are you going to pick it up?"

"Nope. It can wait."

The ground was uncomfortable though so I popped back up on my feet.

"Now let's get this stuff done," I picked up my leather bound notebook that I carried around sometimes, largely due to the fact that I had a creative writing course that I took on a limb. I set up the camera and sat down. Fingering the feather that was stained into the cover, I opened it up to a fresh page. "Let's start with the basics. Age?"

"Seventeen. But you should know that."

"Hey! Who knows you might be eighteen! Or even nineteen! Or maybe sixteen if you're like super smart and skipped a grade. How about birthdate?"

"August 23. It's a secret by the way."

I paused. "Wait...Secret? Seriously?"


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