A Final Farewell

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This is basically a fancy-ass way of saying the last author's note. I'm lame that way - don't judge.

Feel free to skip this author's note if you really don't want to read my sad/happy rant. Yes, it must be done.

Anyway, so that's The Senior Project. It's over! Whoooo? Maybe? Like I've said before, I'm contemplating a mini-sequel type thing. I DONT KNOW IF IT WILL HAPPEN! It's just a thought. Like, it would document their summer, that's about it.

Having said that - and I'm being honest here - I'd break them up if you asked me to extend past the summer. For those who know me, I have a hard time writing happy endings. I quite nearly destroyed Celia and James at around chapter 24/25. Seriously, I almost ended it there. Then I realized how many loose ends and stuff I had to tie up and how it wouldn't make sense (cuz James is James and he doesn't do grudges) so it ended like this. Is there anything you'd like to see happen over their summer before uni? Feel free to suggest more ideas, I'm open to those because I'm quite stuck.

Aside from that, I can't believe the number of people who read this. I legit didn't expect so many reads/votes/comments. I don't know what I expected to be honest but I never even dreamed of more than 5K reads, maybe fifty votes and a few comments scattered here and there. As I write this, TSP is at over 23K reads, 1.2 K votes and 238 comments. I don't even know what to say. Well I do know what to say and that's a huge, massive THANK YOU to every single reader. *hands out cookies and ice cream* Seriously THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU FOR EVERYTHING!

You've all helped make me look super weird because sometimes, when I read a comment, I get all excited and happy. Just picture a random Asian girl cooing or squealing or laughing at her iPod screen in the middle of class (I definitely pay attention all the time pshhh) and that is basically me every single time I get a comment. So thanks for that, you are all awesome and I'm honoured that you chose to read and support The Senior Project. James and Celia also thank you for the intrusion upon their fictional lives.

IF I do put up a sequel - which is in the works - THIS IS NOT FOR CERTAIN, then I'll put up a notice on this book too so you all know.

Once again, thank you so much for all the love and support on this book. I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading this and maybe I'll see you soon!


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