Chapter 12 - Goodmorning

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"Hello beautiful, time to get up."

Strong fingers traced the skin on her shoulder, drawing imaginary patterns. Ignoring the delicious feeling she brushed the hand away, causing the blanket to fall back to her middle, and pushed herself against the center of warmth behind her. A sharp intake of breath was her answer.

"A few more minutes, please." She definitely wasn't a morning person. Burying her face in the pillow she enjoyed the softness of the bed under her. But when the sleepy daze disappeared it occurred to her that for the past months she didn't even see a bed, much less laid in one.

Slowly the truth hit her and all alarms went off in her head. She was laying in his bed. The warm object behind her could only be one thing. And the worst of all: she was completely naked.

A startled scream left her lips, while she simultaneously rolled away from the guy behind her and pulled the blankets up to her chin.


Amused he watched her trying to keep her balance on the edge of his bed, clumsily wrapped in the blankets. She stared at him with big eyes, mouth slightly open. She didn't seem to know where to look, as her eyes switched several times between his chest and his face.

"Are you trying to leave my bed without giving me my morning kiss?"

Her eyes immediately shot back to his, confusion written all over her face.

"What? No! I mean... yes!"

"Tssk tssk, so not even a thank you for saving your life?"

"If it wasn't for you, my life wouldn't even be in danger!" Anger filled her voice, her naked state momentarely forgotten.

"You are the one that locked me up to freeze to death!"

He narrowed his eyes. "Did I not tell you I am not going to kill you? Why all the trouble of catching you if I would deposit of you as soon as I had you?"

A proud sparkle shot through her at the mention of the trouble she'd caused. So she hadn't been easy to catch after all, hmm?

"Well, why did you lock me up in there then?"

"Well, that was not my intention, even though it is kind of my fault. My fault to not see it coming."

"See what coming? What are you talking about?"

An arrogant smirk appeared on his face. "Don't worry honey, I'll explain - under a shower. Come on."

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