Chapter 18 - Locked up

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She looked up at him with panic in her eyes. He could almost hear her desperate thinking to provide his question with a valuable answer.

"I am, I..."

He noticed her fingers turning white from the death grip she had on the blanket.

Hmm, he'd rather see her in the dress he gave her, or naked for that matter, but with other people around he didn't mind she'd used his blanket to cover herself up.

"Well, dove? Are you going to tell me?"

"Stop calling me things like that! You have no right to say those words to me!" The fear in her eyes was now replaced with anger. Hmm. He dindn't like that. Fear would be more fitting in this situation. She had no permission to come here at all.

"I'd be careful honey." His hands moved from her shoulders to her hips, pulling her against his body. He brought his head close to her ear. "I have the right to call you anything I want."

His closeness sent tingles of adrenaline through her body. She couldn't think straight. He continued with a low, husky voice. "I got you, and you're mine now, dont you ever forget that!"

She swallowed nervously. Ever? What did he mean by that?

Pushing her back against the wall with his body he placed his hands on either side of hee head.
"I'll give you one more chanche. Why did you leave my room?"

Not knowing what else to say, Cassandra opted for the truth. "Well... you see when I woke... there was a girl. I was hungry. The little girl... Lyla brought me here."

"You should have known better. I told you I'd let you eat after your nap. Even if Lyla waked you up, you defied me when you decided to leave the room with her. I'm sure you knew I wouldn't approve."

"Well, actually, how should I have known? You didn't lock the door or tie me up!"

"Then why did you run when you saw me?"

She stared blankly up at him, her brain void of any witty remark. Damn that man could battle verbally!

"I have to say, you give me some great ideas. Tie you up... if you're into that I won't be the one to dissapoint you, sweety."

Anger entered her eyes again, but before she had a chance to answer he threw her over his shoulder. Climbing the last few steps of the staircase he strode towards his room, planning to change his words into deeds.

Reaching his chambers he dropped her - not very carefully - on the bed. He pulled hard at the blanket she'd used as cover, causing her to twist in it like she was a mummy. He stopped pulling when she layed on her stomach.

Before she could recover he'd grabbed her ankle and pulled her to the edge of the bed. She desperately wrestled to free herself of the blankets, heating a rattling sound. But it was too late, when she pulled the covers off she felt a cold, heavy metal cuff snapping shut around her ankle.

"What the hell? What kind of guy actually has this stuff installed in his bedroom? You're freaking crazy!" She scrambled as far away from him as the chain attached to the cuff allowed, wich was not very far. The chain was fairly short and only just allowed her to reach the far end of the bed.

A very satisfied smile appeared on his face at her outburst. "Thought I was joking? I merely granted your wish to be tied up. Never underestimate me, love."

She knew this situation was partly her own fault, but she hated to hear him say it. Defeated, she buried her head in one of his pillows and let out a scream of frustration.

He chuckled softly. Her anger was simply adorable. She was no match for him, yet she tried to defy him at everything he said. She was just what he needed, a delicious distraction from his worries.

With the blanket no longer covering her, he let his eyes room her body freely. When she gave in she would be perfect for him, he just knew it. Her soft small curves where an invitation to cuddle. He couldn't wait for tonight...

A knock on the door pulled him out of his admiring thoughts. He saw Cassandra stiffen and look at the door, before she pulled the covers back over her body. Although he knew it was not true, he liked that her actions implied that he could look at her freely, but nobody else could.

"Don't worry, they won't enter without my permission." Her big eyes shifted from the door back to him without saying anything.

"I have to go now, but I trust you'll be just fine on your own. Need anything before I leave?" Instead of saying anything, she gave him an angry look.

"Hmm, I guess you're fine." Smoothy bending over the bed he pressed a kiss on the top of her head, before she could react.

"See you soon, darling." And with that, he left the room, leaving her to scepticly rethink everything that just happened.

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