Chapter 36 - When the cat's away...

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John didn't seem too happy about his request. In fact his brother already looked like he was in a bad mood when Ashe found him, but he complied anyway. Glad he solved the problem for now, Ashe figured it was time to do some training before bringing his little captive a visit. He had to admit he already missed her fiery spirit. She was just... fun. He liked being around her, instead of sitting in his office, doing boring stuff. 

Even while he was training, he kept glancing up, knowing she was inside his room, waiting for him. She would no doubt be bored right now. Maybe it hadn't been the wisest decision to lock her up all day. That would fuel her hatred, and not her passion. It hadn't been his intention to chain her, certainly not after the great start of their day, but then she started questioning him... Maybe he could make it op to her with a fancy dinner in the big hall. Yes, that was what he'd do. She probably missed being around other people since she'd been in the woods for quite a while. 

Finishing the workout with his men a bit early, he gave them a few instructions to improve their fighting. After cleaning his weapons thoroughly he talked to his chef about his changed dining plans. Although he recieved some questioning looks, nobody dared to ask anything. But he cleary heard the exited buzz that went through the entire kitchen when he left. 

Well, he could understand. It had been a while since he ate with his people. The last fancy meal they'd prepared would've been his wedding buffet. He always ate privately since. He didn't need their pitying looks and the hushed whispers, but he couldn't be bothered now. He only hoped Cassandra would like his surprise.


When Ashe barged into his room a few moments later Cassandra jumped from her lounging spot on the bed, startled by his sudden appearance.

"Relax, kitten." He slowed his pace a bit for her comfort. Sensing his happy mood she eyed him, immediately suspicious. He smiled inwardly. Always so alert, his little minx.

"What-" interrupting her with a soft peck on her lips, he held out his hand, gesturing towards her arm. Momentarily stunned by his behaviour she took the hint and lifted her shackled wrist so he could free her. She saw his amused smirk at the obvious scratches on the metal, and a blush crept up to her cheeks, but thankfully he didn't say anything about it.

She darted a few steps away from him as soon as she could, stroking her freed wrist, suddenly a bit nervous.
"Ashe... I wanted to tell you..." Taking a deap breath to calm herself, she continued.
"I gave your explanation some thought and I think I now understand why you... whipped me for my escape attempt." Another deep breath.

"And I want you to know that such drastic measures won't be necessary anymore. I'll stay here until the month is up - but I want you to realise that punishments like that have the opposite effect. Hurting me doesn't make me want to stay."

"You... understand?" His eyebrows rose in surprise. Where the fuck did this come from?

"Yes, yes... I think so, punishments for unwanted behaviour like escaping, right? So I won't try to escape, I promise, and you won't do anything like whipping me again, right?"

"Uhm, right." Where did this sudden loyalty come from? Promising no more escape attempts, simply to prevent another whipping? That didn't sound like his little fighter at all.

Maybe his methods had more effect on her than he'd realised. But her logic in itself was right, and he certainly liked the advantage her promise would give him.

"So you're saying... you'll stay willingly if I don't whip you?" This was a win-win for him for sure.

"Yes. Or do anything similar."

"All right."

She seemed a bit relieved and less skitterish after his confirmation, but was still way too far away to his liking.

"Let's seal the new deal then, love. Come here."

"Why?" She eyed him suspiciously.

"For a kiss, of course." He smiled while holding out his hand for her.

"Of course..." she mumbled under her breath. Ashe and his kisses! That man really took every opportunity he got.

She hesitated only a moment before placing her hand in his outstretched one, and he wasted no time in pulling her flush against his body and softly pressing his lips onto hers. He took his time, leisurely tasting and teasing her like he wanted. His kiss ignited her even more than before and after a few delicious moments she pulled herself free of his torture, her cheeks flaming.

"All right, enough! It's sealed then." Trying to ignore his amused smile she stumbled backwards, hating how she sounded - so breathless after a simple kiss.

"Well, you continue to surprise me... Time for a little test of your lovely promise then, darling. Let's go." He opened the door and gestured for her to walk through.

Not sure of his intentions, but sensing no immediate danger, she opted for obedience.

Glad with her compliance, he followed her out of his room. He'd listened well to her little speech, and if hurting her wasn't necessary anymore, he'd go all in on pleasure.

He smiled while following her out of his room. And of course there were still lots of other ways she could earn some delicious punishments...


She got her own horse. Instead of forcing her onto his saddle, like he'd done before, he asked if she could ride and let her ride alone. And on top of that, he left his men at the castle, while the two of them rode to the north. She knew Ashe was testing her, but still... Her own freaking horse!

A beautiful black mare with enough spirit to give Ashe's warhorse a good challenge. True happiness bubbled up inside her and she laughed out loud while pushing the mare to run faster.

"Come on!"

Ashe smiled at her joy, following her at a much slower tempo. He felt at ease and enjoyed her laughter. He noticed she was a great rider the moment she mounted the horse and even now they were riding alone she wasn't even trying to get away from him. Seems like she'd keep her promise... today at least.


After a while they neared some cliffs, marking the end of Ashes kingdom, and the strong wind blew through her long hair. She loved the feeling of freedom riding gave her, even though she knew it wasn't true freedom this time. Stopping at the edge of the cliffs she watched the raging ocean beneath them for a moment. Then she closed her eyes and smiled. She enjoyed listening to the force of nature - the endless rythm of the breaking waves and the whirling wind soothed her - while she waited for Ashe to catch up.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"Hmm-mm." She didn't open her eyes, not wanting to lose the feeling yet.

"I see. Well, behave yourself for me and I might reward you with some more time on Char." That made her open her eyes and she looked at him.


He nodded while keeping eye contact.
"Of course, you seem to like her - although you may always spend your time on me instead."

She didn't miss the sparkle in his eye and although blushing slightly, she dared to smile at his neverending innuendo's.

"You wish."

He winked.

"You know I do, but for now..." he turned his horse around and pressed his heels into it's side.
"Race you back to the castle!"

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