Chapter 37 - ...the mice will play

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Of course she lost their little race. Not that she didn't try to beat him, but his horse simply had more energy left. He slowed his stallion down when they reached the city gates. 

"Coal's never been beaten in a race before, so don't worry. There's nothing wrong with your riding skills." He maneuvered his horse next to hers, and together they stepped back to the castle. 

"Wait, so you named them... really... Char and Coal? Because they're both black?" She had to stifle her laugh.

"You don't like it?" He lifted one eyebrow.

"I do! It just... surprised me. Very creative." 

"You're surprised that I might have some humor?" He smiled a bit. "You think I'm the big bad wolf for everyone?"

"Apparently not..." She looked around before continuing. "From what I've seen you lead an healthy community here. People seem happy and content. Your little sister adores you. So why is it I am little red riding hood to you?" He smiled at her sassy comment. Yet the honest answer to her question was not something he was ready to share, when he was slowly discovering he might have gone in a wrong direction somewhere... He decided on telling her the truth, or at least part of it.

"It's not... Something happened last year that changed my view on..." he turned sideways in the saddle to watch her reaction, "... women."

See seemed to be unshaken by his reveal. 

"So what, one girl lets you down and you blame all of us? Typical male stupidity!" His eyes widened at her genuine indignant expression, surprised, but he loved how she seemed to be more open to him than ever before. 

His eyes sparkled. "So you think we're not that smart when it comes to understanding the actions of the opposite sex?" They halted in front of the stables, where he dismounted quickly. 

"I think? I know! My life is a pretty good example, for instance!" 

Chuckling, he had to admit the truth in her words. Not out loud, of course. Holding out his hands, he lifted her off the horse. But instead of releasing her when her feet stood firmly on the ground, he trapped her between the animal and his own hard body. 

"Well, I'd say your life right now," his hands slowly trailed up her sides, while she stood frozen, captured by his intense gaze. " also a pretty good example of what we do know about them."

One of his hands stopped at her breast, while the other sneaked higher, tilting her chin up so she had to maintain eye contact. 

"Like what?" So stubborn. But the breathlessness in her question told him everything he needed to know.

"You already know. But I'll happily give you a free example, sweetie."

His thumb flicked over her nipple, causing her to gasp, and with that sharp intake of breath his lips descended onto hers. His lips were firm and demanding, while hers were soft and welcoming, parting under the pressure of his own. He took the unintentional invitation and let their tongues dance with passion, while she stood trapped between his body and the unmoving horse. It could have lasted a moment, or ten minutes, but she lost every sense of time while he explored her mouth. The sensuality of it all warmed her to her core, enough to change her stance from passive acceptation of his kiss to active participation. But the moment she pressed her body against his he stepped back, a knowing smirk on his lips.

"Is your curiosity satisfied? Or do you want me to continue?"

Yes please. "No!" Her cheeks warmed, giving him a hint of the truth. Chuckling, he took the reigns of the mare behind her and led the horse to the stable, creating some much needed distance between them.

He handed the reigns of Char and Coal to a young boy - he thought it might be Steven - sporting a furious blush, obviously having seen some of their little interaction. He winked at him before patting both horses on their necks and leaving them in the boy's care.


While he was in the stables, Cassandra took some deep breaths to calm herself. If all it took was a little verbal sparring and a thorough kiss for her to give in, things were going to escalate quickly. She had to remind herself of all the horrible things he'd done to her. Captured her, tortured her even. All the reasons in the world could not really justify his actions, she had to remember that. She should not forgive and forget so easily, even when he seemed nicer now.

He'd really surprised her with his playfulness today. For a moment, she could forget she was his captive and just enjoy the ride. And then their conversation... And that kiss. When he emerged from the stables she was still not over it.

Offering her his arm, she took it gracefully and he escorted her back to his room in a peaceful silence.

Once inside, he eyed her wearily.
"I have some business to attend to. Do I need to tie you up again, or will you be a good girl for me?"

"Define 'good girl'."

He laughed. She took his every word as a challenge. "Just stay here... while I leave every door unlocked. And don't break anything. In other words, behave. Good behavior comes with rewards, remember? The more you listen, the more freedom you'll get."

More freedom sounded good, but she didn't show her happiness at his statement.

"I'll try."

"I'll take you to dinner in the Hall tonight if you succeed, so you better don't mess it up, darling."

She wasn't planning to.


* <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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