Chapter 6: Is there any Escape?

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Chapter 6: Is there any Escape?

Having to let him untangle her hair from the tree had been hell, but was absolutely nothing compared to this.

When she stood so close to him, her head pressed into his shouder while he battled the branches for her, she could still curse him inside of her head. 

But now she was sitting on the ground, helplessly leaning back against his knees, her arms trapped behind her by the chain he'd wound around his ankle, expieriencing heaven.

He was sitting behind her on a log, the campfire in front of them and his men all hanging around or some already asleep at the other end of the fire, giving them a hint of privacy.

His hands combed softly through her hair, massaging her head, the mess created by thestruggle with the branches long gone and her uneasiness at his touch long forgotten. 

With the combination of the warm soothing fire in front of her and the strong manly presence behind her it was tempting to just enjoy the moment instead of dreading the whole situation she was in.

She made it another few minutes without giving a response to whatever he did to her head before her eyelids started to close. Before she knew what she was doing she pressed her head into his hands, letting out a soft happy sigh. She stiffened, hoping he hadn't noticed her sign of weakness, but of course it was already too late.

The comfortable silence from just a few moments ago was gone in an instant, just like his hands on her head.

"You liked that, hm? Well don't get used to it, princess." 

Not trusting her capability to win any verbal argument right now she decided to stay silent and just sent him a very angry look over her shoulder. Not liking her attitude he grasped her roughly by her left arm, quickly unwinding the chain from his leg.

Pulling her up untill her back was pressed against his chest, he started to move them towards a little hump a few meters away from the fire. Sensing his intention she started to struggle in his hold, but he was too strong for her.

"I'm not letting you go that easily, honey. You should know that by now."

"And you should know that I'll never share a bed with you willingly." she hissed back, trying to break free of his steel grip on her upper arm, but keeping her voice down, not wanting to attract the attention of his men.

He just chuckled at her futile attempts to escape his hold.

"What do you think you'll achieve with this? Just listen, or you'll only hurt yourself more."

When she gave no sign of aknowledgement he pushed painfully hard on the soft joint between her neck shoulder, forcing her to the ground.

Cursing the sudden pain and the need she felt to go against his every order she curled herself in a tiny ball, shivering against the sudden coldness.

He chuckled, looking down at her. "Already missing me, dove?"

Before she could even think about a witty remark he quickly laid down beside her and wrapped his arm securely around her waist. Her whole body tensed up from the unwanted contact, although it actually did welcome the warmth of his body.

He scooted closer and softly murmured in her ear.

"Relax, little one, I won't touch you... tonight."

"You're touching me already!" she hissed.

He chuckled. "You and I both know that is not the kind of touching I mean".

He firmly pressed himself against her ass while his hand roughly cupped her breast. 

"This, is more that kind of touching."

Her breath stocked from his sudden movement and despite her cuffs she desperately tried to wiggle free from his grasp. "Don't!"

"Now, now kitten, what did I just say?" He held her trapped to his muscular chest with little effort. "Easy there, I told you I won't touch you that way tonight."

"Who says I can trust you? For all I know you'll rape and kill me in under five minutes!"

"Just to get your facts straight, little one; even though I can be forceful, I like to give my woman some pleasure and I certainly won't be done with you in five. If I wanted to rape you or kill you, I would have done it already. I told you, I might do some things, but you'll come to me willingly in the end and I never break my word. So why don't you just calm down and find out if you can trust me?"

She took a moment to think about his words. He was right actually, if he wanted to kill her or rape her tonight,  there would be no point in waiting, he would've done it already. 

He could have even chained her up much more secure or more humiliating than this, or even killed her. Maybe he was saving all of that for later, but for now, he hadn't. That meant she still had a change to escape, it didn't matter how small. She couldn't blow it.

She took a deep breath and forced herself to lay as passive as possible in his arms. And true to his word his hand slowly left her breast and slid back down around her waist.

"Good, kitten. Now sleep, you're going to need it."

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