Chapter 20 - Time to share

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"So... tell me about your latest catch?" John asked, trying to change the subject. "She's pretty, I trust?"

Ashe smirked, noting the cowardness of the question, but allowing his brother to change the subject. "Of course. I never had a bad taste, did I?"

His brother chuckled, agreeing with him. "True, true... so when can I see her?"

Ashe would rather keep the girl to hinself, but he knew he couldn't refuse his brothers request. If he did, it would raise unnessecery suspicion.

"You can meet her tomorrow morning. She's still in training, so don't expect too much, and you can't..." his voice died down when Lyla came running into the hall.

"Ashe! Where is Cassie? I want to play with her! She is really good in games. Please?" She came to a halt in front of him, completely out of breath.

Ashe squatted down to be on eye-level with his little sister. "Not today, Lyla... maybe tomorrow or the day after. It's time to eat. After that the maids will bathe you and you'll go to bed."

"But Ashe... please?" She stretched her please as far as she could.

"No darling, I won't change my mind. John will take you to eat something."

"Okay! John, are you coming? I'm hungry!" She already turned around, satisfied her brother would go with her.

John pulled his eyebrow up in a silent question for his brother. Ashe could see John didn't like the way he was made into a babysitter, but well, his brother didn't object, so Ashe could easily solve two of his problems at once. With them gone, he could finally return to his room.

He decided to pay a quick visit to the kitchen, remembering the fact his little captive wandered there because she'd been hungry. It would not hurt to feed her. She was still a bit to skinny, some flesh instead of bone would make her even more beautiful.

He couldn't wait to roam his hands over her well formed body and hear her moans of pleasure. Although he doubted that she'd give in soon. He grinned. Most likely she'd try to kill him in his sleep.

He was looking forward to the challenge.


The chamberdoor opened slowly, revealing Ashe. He was balancing a plate on one hand while opening the door with his other. She almost giggled at the sight, he was completely focussed on keeping the plate steady that his thongue poked out at the corner of his mouth. Is he was not her enemy, she may have found it adorable.

But since he was her enemy, it made him only slightly less hate-material.

When he passed the door succesfully he turned around to look at her.
She saw the spark of lust in his eyes when he took her in, sitting on his bed, wrapped in his blankets, smelling the air for the glorious smell of a fresh cooked meal. Seeing the look in his eyes she crawled a few inches backwards on the bed, changing the spark to a humored and slightly curious one.

Then she remembered her new goal. Straightening her back she banned her fear and challenged him to come at her with her eyes.

Ashe smiled, clearly amused now. Not a word was spoken yet, but they seemed to have a complete conversation with their eyes.

It only fuelled her anger when he smiled, but right when she shot her best hateful glare at him her stomach rumbled loudly. She blushed at the loud sound. She was sure he'd heard it too. She hadn't eten in hours!

"Hungry, love?"

She narrowed her eyes at him.
"Very observant..."

He walked towards a small workdesk next to the door and placed the plate on top. He sat down in the chair in front of the desk, with his back towards her. Starting to eat he invited her to join him.
"Well, if you want some, I'd suggest you come to get your share before I finish all of this goodness on my own."

Doubt flooded through her, should she go? The food smelled delicious, and she was really hungry, but maybe this was some kind of test or a hidden trick.

She slowly glid off the bed, taking a small step in his direction.

Ashe's voice stopped her immediately.
"Blankets stay on the bed, sweety, where they belong." Without looking at her he seemed to sense she wanted to give him an angry reply.

"It's that or no food tonight. The choice is yours."

The words she wanted to say to him died on her tongue. She knew it. Damn that man!

Maybe she should consider listening this time. It was not that she would be naked, after all. And she was really hungry. With a sigh, she dropped the blankets on his bed and started to walk towards Ashe.

Crossing her arms in front of her breasts, not comfortable in the stupid almost see-through dress he gave her, she walked towards Ashe as far as the chain allowed. She came to a stop about two steps behind him.

"I listened. Can I get some food now?"

A soft chuckle was her answer.
"On your knees, love."

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