Chapter 17 - Lyla

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After he left Cassandra curled herself up into a ball, warmed by the heap of blankets on the bed. The bed smelled faintly like him, and she couldn't deny that she liked it.

She was curious to Ashe's plans with her. Obviously he was after her virginity, but what if she hold that moment off long enough? Would he lose his interest?

She didn't know why he wanted her out of all other woman. He seemed to be handsome enough to have woman dreaming about him. They even killed for him!

Although she felt immensly better now - amazing what warmth and a good sleep could do - her walk with death yesterday was still fresh in her mind.

So if that was not the reason, maybe she was just some kind of challenge for him, and he'd let her go once he had what he wanted. Too bad it was something she wasn't willing to give. She had to pull herself together and show him, and everyone else in this stupid castle, some courage.

With that on her mind, she soon fell asleep.


"Who are you?"

A soft childish voice pulled her out of the very intense dream about a cookie war.

"Hmmm?" She tried to force her eyes open, but the warmth of the bed was too appealing. Snuggling deeper into the pillows she ignored the voice and focussed on the chocolate chip cookie that crunched an oreo. She smiled. She loved chocolate chip cookies.

"Hello? Who are you?"

There it was again. With a yawn she sat up in the bed. She felt stiff and not refreshed from the nap at all. Opening one eye she saw a little girl standing next to the bed, looking up to her with curious eyes. The girl must've woken her up just after she fell asleep.

Forcing her other eye to open too, she smiled to the little girl. It wasn't her fault she was here, after all. She recognised her now, it was the child that had been so happy to see Ashe yesterday.

Thinking of him, her eyes flew through the room, but luckily he wasn't there.

"I'm Lyla," the girl's voice sounded again. She took a few steps forward and held her hand out to her.

"Hello Lyla, it's nice to meet you. I'm Cassandra." With the smile still on her face she grasped the girls hand and shook it softly.

"Nice to meet you too. Am I allowed to call you Cassie? Why are you sleeping in Ashe's bed? Are you his wife?" Big blue eyes looked up at her.

"Of course you can call me Cassie, honey. And no, I am not Ashes wife."

"Oh. So why are you sleeping in his bed if you are not his wife?"

"That is because..." her mind went in panic mode. She couldn't tell the girl she was a prisoner here, could she?
"I'm staying here for a while, and there was no other bed ready, so I could sleep in his bed for a while."

She blushed at the obvious lie in her voice. No doubt the girl wouldn't believe her. But to her surprise the child just shrugged.

"Okey. So how long will you stay? Can we play a game?" Not waiting for an answer she climbed on the bed next to Cassandra and immediately continued:

"I spy with my little eye and I see... something pink!"


They played the innocent game quite some time, until Cassandra's stomach decided to growl loudly.

"Does your belly make that sound?" The girl looked curious to the blankets covering her body.

"Yes, that's my stomach... I'm just a little hungry."

"Oh, really?" Her face enlightened. "Come on, I know where we can get delicious food!"

She jumped from the bed and ran to the door. Only now Cassandra questioned how the girl came in her room in the first place. She'd assumed Ashe locked the door, but appearently that wasn't the case.

What did that mean?
Was she not his prisoner? Or did he not expect she would try to leave?

Her answer came soon enough. When the girl opened the door two impressive armed guards came into view, stationed in the hallway opposite of her room. She figured they were there to keep an eye on her.

"Follow me." Lyla waited at the door till Cassandra followed her, the blanket securely wrapped around her scandaleous dress. Nobody needed to see anything they shouldn't.

With her eyes trained on the guards in shiny armour she sneaked out of the room. They made no movement whatsoever. She signed relieved.

"What are you doing? Are you afraid of the statues?" Lyla watched her with an amused expression.

"Statues..?" Then she realized. Of course the guards were statues, how could she not see it? As if the obvious shiny silver plates weren't enough proof. No real warrior would ever wear a costume that shiny.

"No honey, I'm just a little shakey... must be from the lack of food." Lie. She was extremely nervous someone would spot them and then, no doubt, something terrible would happen.

"Come on then, we're almost there!"

Cassandra followed her slowly through a big hallway and a small corridor, trying to spare her bad foot as much as she could. It wasn't hurting much anymore, but she wouldn't risk anything. If she wanted to escape this place, she had to be in a better physical condition.

After they descended a short spiral staircase, they reached what had to be the kitchen.

It was overwhelming. While she didn't see another living sole in the castle before, this place was a buzzing center of life.

Two older ladies in white clothes rolled a bucket full of dough out on a table. Some young girls where scatered around the kitchen, happily talking with each other while they flew around, gathering ingrdients for the chefs.

Another woman, a chubby one, stood by a big fire and slowly grilled a pig. The spices and flavours hit her at once, and she almost drooled.

Then she realized Lyla was gone. She searched the busy crowd in panic, not liking that she was left behind. Even if it was by a young girl, she still felt alone all of a sudden. Scanning the people in the room she saw Lyla talking with somebody in the middle of the busy kitchen. She almost called out to her, but then she saw who she was talking to. Ashe.

She froze at the sight. Did he already know she was here? Was there still a chance to escape unseen? She hated how he made her a coward with his mere presence, but she couldn't calm her racing heart.

Lyla happily skipped away, no doubt at something he'd said. As soon as the girl left the kitchen the kindness left Ashe's face. He turned his head and looked directly into her eyes.

He knew it. She turned around as fast as she could and tried to find her way back. She didn't know why, but her instinct told her his room was the safest place to be right now.

She tried to climb the stairs faster, but she felt his warm hand on her wrist before she was halfway. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back against the stone wall.

"So tell me, Cassie... what are you doing outside of my room?"

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