Chapter 15

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You know someone once said to me, and I quote, 'we all need a witness to our lives. And there's one billion people on the planet...I mean what does one life really mean?' That was only a small part of what was said but it was that part that made me think. They were right. We all need a special someone to be our witness. We all need that one guardian, and the awesome part is that we get to choose that person. We spend so long trying to find them. What if you knew who it was but they had someone else? I wanted Steve to be my witness, but what If he didn't want me to be his? I guess life's to short to play it safe.

"And are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked. All three of them nodded. "And you have his number" I pointed to Sam as I spoke.

"Yeah" he said holding up a slip of paper with Jasper Sitwell's mobile number. I take it and the phone and looks down. Steve gently rubs my shoulder.

"You can do this, meet us after okay?" He says softly. I nod as Steve and Nat leave. Sam and I walk up to the nearest cafe. It had a nice outdoor view of the square and the park. We took a table for two and ordered two Pepsi's. There we sat, for one and a half hours, waiting for our target. And finally he showed up but he wasn't alone. He was accompanied by about eight body guards and one other official I didn't recognise. The two shook hands and the stranger and half the squad of guards left. It was now or never. I dialled the number and held the phone to my ear. I saw Sitwell pick up seconds later, and he was alone. Bonus.

"Yes sir" he said. Looks like my little hack worked. Until I started speaking he would think it was Pierce.

"Good afternoon Agent Sitwell. Can I call you Jasper?" I asked politely. I saw him freeze.

"Who is this?" He asked. I chose to ignore him.

"How was lunch? Did you order the crab cakes? They're meant to be really good. And the burgers are to die for" I exclaimed drumming the fingers of my free hand against the table.

"Who are you?" He asked again, a little more stiff and unfriendlier then before.

"You know Bridges cafe? I'm the gorgeous chick with the blonde hair. Table for two" I said. Jasper turned and saw me. I gave a small wave.

"Emily? Emily Stark?" He asked. I nodded once.

"You know I hardly know you at all Jasper. What do you say the three of us take a ride?" I ask.

"Three" he confirmed. I nodded and pointed to Sam who waved.

"I'm not leaving this dumb ass behind" I said, looks at Sam as I spoke.

"Yeah, and why would I go with you?" He asked. I looked at Steve who was hiding a fair distance away and nodded once. And just like that Jasper Sitwell became a target.

"Because that looks like a very expensive tie...and you're wearing a very attractive suit. And I'd hate to mess all that up because someone was to stubborn to talk" I said. Jasper nodded once and I threw a ten dollar bill on the table. I walked over to him and I locked my arm around his tightly.

"Hey beautiful" I said slyly, as Steve and Nat walked over. Sam just seemed to disappear but I knew where he was. He always liked to make an entrance. I dragged Jasper over to a building and pulled him up the hundreds of stairs to the roof and threw him out the door.

"Tell us about Zola's algorithm" Steve demanded instantly.

"Zola's what?!" Jasper asked, acting dumb. He sure could act well.

"Arnim Zola" I confirmed as the three of us began to advance. Jasper backed up, closer to the edge of the roof.

"Never heard of him"

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