Chapter 19

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You know I read a book once that said "I fell in love the way one falls asleep, slowly and then all at once". I don't know what else it said because I didn't pay attention to the rest. In another book it speaks about nothing being permanent. I know because as soon as I read it I never forgot it. Everything we want to last always passes, we get so caught up in the moment we forget to look at the big picture. Both books are true, but both also lie. I speak from experience.

I believe I always loved him in a way. It may not be the type of love The Fault In Our Stars talks about but it was there. My love for him gradually built to the stage where his pain was my pain. And his smile was my world. There's that one moment...whether it's when he's with you, holding you close. Or when your sitting in bed unable to sleep, where all you can think about is him. There's that one second where everything clicks, where you whisper 'I love you'.

"This man once declined the Nobel Peace prize. Said that 'peace wasn't an achievement. It was a responsibility'. And I believed him" Nick said staring at a picture of Alexander Pierce.

"What a load of Bullshit" I mutter.

"It's not garbage. It should have been the truth. It sounds noble enough" Steve said, his arms folded firmly across his chest.

"Coming from Americas number one mascot that doesn't count as much" I snapped back. Steve fell silent.

"You see, this is why I have trust issues" Nick said, throwing the image down on the table in frustration and disappointment.

"We have to stop the launch" Nat said, looking up at Steve as if asking for permission. In reply he nodded once.

"We could call in Banner...maybe Thor could--" I was cut off by Steve's sympathetic face.

"There's no time. Em, I appreciate the thought but it's just us" Steve says.

"I hope you're including me, I'm coming too" I said firmly. Steve shook his head and opened his mouth to argue but Nat cut him off.

"We need all the help we can get" Nat said, giving me a small nod. Instead of furthering the argument, Steve just looked back at Fury.

"What's the plan now...what can the four of us possibly accomplish without the team?" He asked. In return, Hill pushed a case foreword and opened it. Laying inside were three small chips. I carefully picked one up and examined it.

"How were you able to get your hands on this tech Director?" I asked. In all my life I had never seen such a beautifully developed piece of technology. The materials alone would have cost millions for just half of a chip, let alone three whole ones.

"What can I say? I have connections in all the right places" Fury said, leaning Back in his chair and crossing his arms. I carefully put the chip back in it's place in the case.

"So the plan is to insert each of these chips in the main control slot. The chip will overwrite  the jets" Hill explained. I looked over at Nat, who was hooked on everything Hill and Fury were briefing. I looked up behind me and saw Sam's upside down face. He looked down at me and hinted a small smile before looking back up again. I followed his gaze to see Fury.

"Perhaps we can even restore the crafts...reopen Project Insight away from HYDRA. Continue to--" Fury's plans were cut off by Steve's stern voice.

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