Chapter 8

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Guys check out the video
For you should be here on YouTube. My phone acting up so I cant attach it. It's by Kehlani.
Quelani's POV-
Today I am recording the music video for my song You Should be Here. Tomorrow I'm recording my song called tell me lies. I brought August with me. He thinks that Carmello likes me. I thought that was hilarious. He is my best best friend. Nothing more. I'm going to ask Carmello just to be sure. I'm so glad I'm not with Chris anymore. I got dressed and did what I needed to do and left to go to the studio. The song Ghetto by August came on. I love that song.

Thanks Byran. I really like how the video for my song turned out. Luv ya.

So Mr. Aslina did you like the video.
A: Yes very much so. I'm guessing the song is about your past relationship with Chris
You are so smart Aug. No one would of guessed that. I'm just messing with you. Don't take it to the head, but yea it is.


I made it to the Studio. August is staying at my place for a little because of paparazzi. You ready to record Q?? Keisha said. Yes ***Phone rings*** Hey August I'm at the studio can you make it real quick please. Aug: Yea Chris is here he's not too happy to see me at your place but he said you were supposed to pick up Mercedes an hour ago, guessing you didn't so he brought her here. What do you want me to do? I could take her and watch her if you want it won't be any problem.
Me: I'm sorry I forgot could you please I just have to record this track and then I'll be there. Thanks talk to you later.
I put my headphones and let the music take me and my freestyle lyrics for my song Tell Me Lies flow.
After I finished, I grabbed my keys said bye to everyone and went to get into my Lambo when I heard me name. I turned around Carmello what's up haven't seen you in forever.
Carmello: I'm good. I was coming to see you. I got your text maybe we can meet up and get some lunch or go to the Mall like ole' times. What do you say?
Me: Of course. How could I say no to my best best friend. Oh my gosh so much drama I have to catch you up on.
Carmello: Isn't that what you have Kuchie for??? I gotta run anyway see you later.

I got home and went up stairs and called out for August and Mercedes. No reply I kept walking looking through all the multiple rooms in my penthouse. I finally got to the game room. There they were playing Mercedes favorite game on the wii u. I smiled. I thought to myself I haven't smiled this hard in a while. I need August in my life. It dawned on me, I can't let him slip out my hands. He's like the lost pin in a haystack, you finally find it. Which is a one in a trillion million chance, you can't just throw it back in the haystack. You treasure it and make sure you don't let it slip out of your hands. I didn't realize I was standing in the doorway in deep thought until I heard my name being called. Yea yea. A: You were just in a real deep thought there. Hope my handsomeness didn't have you in a deep thought.
Me: You would like that. But no. Y'all are so cute together. Usually she doesn't like to play Sofia The First with anyone, not even me or Chris. (That really has me falling for August)
Momwie! Momwie! Mercedes yelled in excitement running towards me. She jumped on me. Auwg (August) twook me to the pwark (park). He played with me. Dwaddy don't play with me. I wike (like) him. Can he be my daddy. Mercedes said with a serious facial expression on her face.
Hi my lil jewel, you want some ice cream??
Yessasssss Mercedes screamed. Ok well mommy and August has to do some stuff so Omali (Maid/chef/babysitter) will do it and give you the ice cream love you I'll be right back.

I was guessing you would want to go back to your place to get some more clothes, because the paparazzi isn't there at the moment.
Aug: Sounds good
We got in the car.
Aug: Thanks again for the hospitality and all that good stuff.
Me: No problem I mean it's a pleasure to have you staying at my place I said laughing.
We got there I parked we got out and took the elevator. He unlocked the door, it was an amazing penthouse. His room was beautiful. I sat on his bed while he was getting some clothes out his closet and packing. When he was finished I checked the window to see if there was any paparazzi. The front of the building was flooded with fans and paparazzi. Umm August I think you might want to see this. He looked oh man he said. Can we stay here until it clears?? He asked. Sure it's not a problem. He went to the other bathroom and I wanted to take a shower so I took a shower in his bathroom. I came out and put one of his tee-shirts on and put my clothes and under garments in the washing machine and let them wash. I couldn't find the remote for the tv, so I got on my tippy toes to reach the power button, when I heard footsteps. Notifying me that someone was watching me. I turned around. August: I see you made yourself at home.
Me: yea I guess you could say that. I took a shower. My clothes are washing so I just threw on one of your t-shirts. I hope you don't mind. A: not at all. I guess your sleeping in here. I'll sleep in the other room. He started to walk out when I called him and he paused his movement and turned around to look at me. A: yea.
Me: You can sleep in here with me. I mean that's if you want.

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