Chapter 10

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He really got mad. Finally the doctor walked in. Hello Ms.Iglesias. Hi and its Miss.Iglesias why does everyone keep saying that. Well I guess now a days people are having baby's are aren't with the father of the child. The doctor said with a questionable expression on his face. I guess you could say that but that doesn't explain why everyone keeps calling me ms. Iglesias. I know I look like my mom but c'mon now. Well I'm guessing you didn't catch what everyone was trying to imply. The doctor said with his eyebrows raised. I shouldn't have to get what everyone's implying this isn't a game. Your the doctor this shouldn't be a freaking game to you. Cause I will walk out that door. You won't have to worry snout my family coming to your doctors office anymore. People are really trying to test me today. We'll miss.Iglesias you are 4 weeks pregnant.

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