Chapter 11

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Wait did he just say I'm pregnant. I'm acting like this is my first child. I'm excited but yet scared. Telling August is the scary part. We talked about having kids. If it's a girl we want to name her Tequila Cleo. Cute right. Anyway he comes back tomorrow or tonight however you want to look at it. I want a girl thought. He probably wants a girl. He would not know how to deal with a boy. Imagine twins. That sound like a lot. Well I need to go. Miss. Iglesias the doctor said politely. Yea. I will assign the best doctor for you that I know. She said. Thanks. Bye. It's literally almost 10. I need to go home and change I'm not going to wear this to my appointment with my customer. I rushed home brushed my hair and kept it out. I took a shower. I got dressed. I put on rippy jeans and a white v-neck cut bra/croc top whatever you want to call it with a long tanish sweater and nude/cream heels. I freshed up my makeup and rushed out of the house almost forgetting Mercedes. Mercedes c'mon lets go. Rapido. I speak fluent Spanish and Italian. She knows when I start speaking it that means I'm serious or I don't want anyone who doesn't speak Spanish to know what I'm saying. It works with August all the time. He's getting used to it he's deciding to take a Spanish class online. Smarts. I'm coming mommie. I couldn't find my iPad. Mercedes whined. Ok you are so spoiled. What does that mean mommie??
I buckled Mercedes in. I sped of
30 minutes later
I just made it. I ran in. I always smile when I see the sign for my office. "Q's planning and co" "Always planning the best".

If you haven't already figured it out Quelani is a successful wedding and party planner in Fl.

Hello I shook my clients hands. I looked at their plans and all that good stuff. You must be the happy lady Rebbeca.
25 minutes later
Q you have a call on line 1. It's urgent. My secretary told me. Thanks Mildred. Hello me-Quelani speaking

Nicki M- Girl quit the professional act.

Me- what's up Nick

N- well we were reviewing the order list for the flowers and there all wrong. Your assistant must of read them wrong. Girl my wedding has to be perfect.

Me- You already kno it's gonna be litt. I gotta talk to you later. Come over to the studio in like an hour we can discuss everything.

*****Phone disconnects*****

Q you have another client on line 1 and line 2.
Thanks Mildred
Me- Hello Quelani speaking.
Kylie- Hey girl I just flew in from Italy. We need to catch up girl. We also need to talk about Catilyn's party.
Me- No problem. How's noon tomorrow. That's the only time I'm free this week.
Kylie- See you then. Smooches ciao
Me- mucho smooches ciao

Mommie Mommie I was Ice Cream. Mercedes yelled.
Muchkin what do I say about dessert before dinner. It's not a food it's a snack. Not right now. Later I promise.
I hopped in my car, buckling in Mercedes. I turned the radio on. Next thing I know I see Mercedes singing and dancing to Numb by Aug. I finally arrived at the studio. We both got out she sat In the waiting room playing with the toys she keeps at the studio.
This smooth yet sick beat played I let it take over as I just sang into the mic. After changing, and changing it. I finally finished it and recoded it.

"In my head every time I take a step it's on the clouds. Feeling like a whole lot of power and I don't even need a crown. Cause you know the royals never get to fall in love anyways. And if you couldn't tell I'm falling even more everyday. And every time you kiss me I hear a song. When you look at me its like nothing's ever wrong. Maybe I'm bad for living in a fantasy. One where your almost as in love with me as I am, i am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, with you.  Baby baby. I am, i am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am. Can you put those hands on my body and just feel me. If I gave you the chance to hold my soul would you just feel me, see the real me. Cause I love that if you do. I will owe all my happiness to you. If you couldn't tell baby my smile had been brand new."

I stopped singing and opened my eyes to see August standing there looking at me and smiling. I ran to him and jumped on him. Oh my gosh. How are you here. Is this a dream because if it is man it's really messing with my emotions. No Q it's not a dream. He said smiling. I missed you so much. I thought you were coming home at like 6 in the morning. I have something I need to tell you. You want to sit down for a minute.

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