Preparations For War.

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----------------In the magic council---------------

(Every member of council is currently in the building. Jellal is in a cell. Hei Granger has came to meet him.)

"Jellal, How do you feel suffering in this prison. You could've got a better life if you wouldn't have messed with the dark guilds". Hei said.

"I knew about you all from the beginning . After the dark guilds, you all were my target. Well I got captured but still there is nothing to worry about. Remaining crime sorcerers will end up my job and you can do nothing. Hahahahahaha" Jellal said.

"Was that suppose to be a joke? Now was it?. Because no one laughed. I've already made plans for crime sorcer. They will definitely come to save you and that would be the time when we will annihilate all of them." Hei replied.

"No you can't do that. I'm your target. Leave my guild alone." Jellal shouted.

"What happened to all the big talk you were doing a minute ago. Hahahaha" hei said.

(A soldier of the council came in running).

"Sir, we have got a problem". Soldier said.

"What is it?" Hei asked.

"We have been attacked." Soldier.

"Who would dare to infiltrate the council. He must be with a large unit. How many are them?" Hei asked.

"Sir, Actually there is only one." Soldier replied.

"Only one. You gotta be kidding me. Go get rid of him." Hei said.

"Sir we can't . he is too strong." Soldier said.

"You are of no use." Hei said as he killed the soldier.

"Whether he is too brave or too foolish to jump in the council alone. I will deal with him" hei said as he left.

"Who could it be?" Jellal said.

"Now where could be that damn intruder?" Hei asked himself while looking for him.

(Suddenly there's a blast in the west side of the building.)

"Wait up, intruder." Albert said.

"This voice!!! Its you but how could it be?" The intruder said.

"Gildarts, I was already thinking of you because for someone to jump in the mouth of death, only you are capable of this." Albert replied.

(Gildarts was the intruder)

"Master Albert. You are with the council. I thought you were dead many years ago. You were one of the strongest and bravest mage of fairy tail in master makarov's time. Why did you join zeref's side." Gildarts asked.

"For my personal interests. Because I know that the only one who can give me unlimited power is lord zeref and dark magic is strongest type of magic." Albert said.

"Master you've chosen wrong side. In the fairy tail everyone considers you a hero. But any way, every enemy of fairy tail is my enemy as well that includes you" Gildarts said.

"And what does fairy tail have to do with council?" Albert asked.

"I'm here to tell you that fairy tail is declaring a war against the council to save our friend Jellal." Gildarts said.

"What does that criminal have to do with you fairies??" Albert asked.

"Jellal is a member of fairy tail. We've always considered him one of us. Master makarov has vowed to protect him so be ready, fairy tail will be coming." Gildarts said and used his magic to make a escape way and than escaped.

"Damn you fairies. This time I'll let you escape gildarts but I'll see you in the war." Albert said and then he arranged a meeting of the council member for this new issue.

-------------------In the meeting-----------------

"So, fairy tail is coming to protect Jellal. Now that's surprising." Hei said.

"But we can't ignore them. They might cause some trouble." Melecia said.

"No, I think that's perfect. Fairy tail is coming to protect jellal and it will declare a war against us. That's the best thing that could happen. Now see, if fairy tail fight us then we will fight back and there is no way we would lose. After defeating fairy tail and executing Jellal we will disband fairy tail so it couldn't create anymore trouble. Not only that we will kill their Guild master to broke fairies from inside and guess what?. We will broadcast the whole war in the entire world through video teleporter lacrimas so that no guild ever again thinks to take on council. Fairy tail would be example for others." Kai said.

"That's absolutely amazing idea. I agree with you." Albert said.

"And what about every one else." Kai asked.

"Agreed" everyone said in one voice.

"Now let's began the preparations for war." Fred said.

------------------At the guild-------------------

"We've done all the necessary preparations laxus. Tomorrow the thunder legion is gonna rule." Freed said.

"That's good." Laxus replied.

(On the other side Erza and Lucy were talking.)

"Hey Lucy can I share something with you?" Erza said.

"Yeah sure what is it Erza?" Lucy asked.

"I'm not sure of it but I think I am pragenant." Erza replied.

"You are what?????. That's a big and happy news. Have you told Gray?" Lucy asked as she became too excited to hear this.

"No. Still not and I don't wanna tell him either because if I do so then he won't allow me to participate in war." Erza said.

"Sure he won't. And I'm not gonna let you come as well. I am telling master right away." Lucy said.

"No lucy don't. Please stop. Don't tell anyone. I.............. I wanna save Jellal. He is my best friend and I don't wanna lose him." Erza said.

"You sure are a lot attracted to Jellal. Don't you think Gray would be jealous of him." Lucy asked.

"Gray?? Jealous?? Hahaha, no he won't. I know Gray and I love him. Jellal is just my best friend." Erza said.

"Well it's ok I was just asking. Ok I won't tell anyone but you have to promise me that you won't get into a heavy fight. And try to stay with me. Ok" Lucy said.

"Yes, ok. Thanks lucy you are my best friend." Erza said.

"No problem but Gray's gonna kill me when he'll know about this.hahahaha." Lucy said.

"Master, All arrangements are done. We are ready for tomorrow's war." Gildarts said.

"Then let's win this. Fairy tail, tomorrow we have to fight for just one cause To protect our family. Let's create another legend tomorrow by taking down the council". Makarov shouted.

"Yeahhhhhh" every said as they all became excited.

------------------End of the part-----------------


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