The war

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---------------At the Syleum Island--------------
(Its one of the holy grounds of Ishghar. Council has selected this place to execute Jellal. One of their head office is also on this Island. They have Made a Stage(Like that of one piece where Roger was executed). And every member of council is on it. The other members are down for the protection. There is also a special squad of ten members to fight in case the war happens.)

"Its about time of execution. Looks like fairies are not coming after all." Hei Granger said.

"Don't question their madness. I am damn sure they will come." Albert Strauss said.

"My, My, looks like some one is remembering his good old days with fairy tail." Hover de Fred said.

"Don't mess with me. Or else you'd have to face the consequences before fairies." Albert said.

"Oh my bad. I'm sorry old man" Fred said.

"Now stop fooling around . let's start execution . looks like fairies won't be coming." Melecia cook said.

(Where the hell are you fairies? From where are going to attack.) Kai Jonathan thought and then said, "ok let's start the execution."
"Sir there is something in the sky." A soldier said.

"What is it?" Fred said.

(Every one looked up.)

"Its......its a bomb" A soldier shouted and everyone came into panic.

"Don't panic I'll handle this. Sand dragon shell." Hover de Fred said and a lot of sand covered the bomb and absorbed the blast. Every one was safe.

"Who the hell did this." Hei shouted.

"Look something is appearing out of nowhere". Melecia said.

(Its was a flying ship, like the one blue pagasus have. It was first invisible by some sort of spell but now it appeared in the sky.)

"Let's go fairy tail." Makarov said and everyone jumped from the ship.

"Let's rock n roll baby." Max said as he started fighting soldiers.

(The war began)

"How pathetic. Are they really supposed to take us down with that weak soldiers." Macao said while fighting.

"My wife is gonna be very happy when I will come home victorious. Haha" wakaba said.

"Sky dragon roar." Wendy said blowing up the soldiers.

"Ice make lance". Gray said while fighting.

"Solid script, Iron" Levi used her attack.

"Look Jellal is up there. I'm going." Erza said.

"No. You can't. You promised." Lucy said.

"But I have to." Erza said.

"Wait while natsu comes than we will go together." Lucy said.

"Miss are you in a hurry to go somewhere." Mr.1 said. (mr.1 is a member of the unit ten. A team of 10 wizards that were hired for war by council).

"Who are you?" Lucy asked.

"I am the leader of unit ten Mr.1 , Now allow me to entertain you for a while." He said. Fire tornado........ He used his attack but natsu came and drank up all his fire.

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