Story of two boys

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This chapter is a filler. It is not a Grayza chapter but is still important for understanding further story.

"Edward. Where were you all these years. You don't know how much we searched for you. What the hell were you thinking when you left the guild." Gildarts said.

"Don't fool me with that fake care. I know all master cared about, was you. And you were also selfish. I was just ignored by everyone. I left on my own will." Edward said.

-----------30 years ago at fairy tail----------

Makarov have just taken over as new guildmaster of fairy tail after Hadees. Fairy tail before 30 years is also same as ever. Everyone here are strong wizards. Fairy tail is the strongest guild in fiore.

"Yo, Makarov or should I call you master now?" Albert Strauss said teasing him. (Albert is Mira's father introduced in fairy war arc in my story).

"Stop it Albert. Makarov is just fine." Makarov said.

"Well while I was on a mission I found these two boys. They have no home. No family so I took them with me. I want them to join fairy tail." Albert said.

"Ohh, sure. So kids what are you names?" Makarov asked

" I just want to be with my parents please." One of them said while crying.

"Oye Oye. Don't cry now. We know they are all dead. I'm Edward Walker and that crybaby is my friend Gildarts Clive. We are the survivors from Orange town." The other boy said.

"What happened to your town and where are your parents." Makarov asked.

"Our town was raided by a group of thousand people and some of them used some kind of magic. They attacked out town out of blues and killed everyone. We survived there by killing them. Whenever we fight some sort of strange power flows from bodies. We fought them but as we were outnumbered and still kids so we escaped. They tried to capture us but we survived and ran away". Edward said.

The thing that they call unimaginable power is actually magic. They don't even know but they are born with unexpected magic power. If they are trained well I am sure that they can even surpass me. They are the children that are born ones from millions. Makarov thought.

"Okay children now this guild is your home. You are fairy tail wizards from now on." Makarov said giving them guild marks.

--------------In the night at park----------------

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